Chapter 0423

“Calihan.” Mum speaks to him. “This is your sister, Blair. She's going to be staying with us.”

He gives me the biggest smile, showing me all his teeth. "Hi. You are my big sister?"

"Hey, yes, I guess I am" I smile back as mum gestures to the boxes of cereal and tells me to help myself.

Kade appears at the table and sits opposite me. He spends the whole time watching me as he eats but doesn't say anything while Calihan talks to me about school completely oblivious of his brother.

"Your dad has just told me that there is no school today." Mum announces as she brings in some jugs of juice. It was like she was preparing to feed the five thousand not four of us and a baby.

Calihan does a small fist pump when he hears the news while Kade demands to know why. Something else unusual about him. Every kid his age should be happy they don't have to go to school for the day.

"Alpha Dane is changing a few things around. Due to the amount of children he is splitting the class so everyone gets more attention. So Kade, from Monday, you will attend in the morning and Calihan, you will go in the afternoon."

"That's not fair!" Kade slams his fist on the table.

"It's the rules and what do we do when it comes to rules?" Mum glares at him and Kade retreats a little.

What was that about?


if we want to

bowl. The boys were so different, but it was also more than that. Even without my Lycan abilities I knew there was some problem

Kade continues to watch me. He wasn't anything like the boy I had seen running around in

going to be eight." Calihan holds his fingers up proudly.

you excited?" I ask Kade as mum leaves the room

rolls his eyes at me and takes

just being silly."

made him tired." I lie to my little brother. "It happens

Mum appears

with Braelyn. She was

front of her. She was a

think you could get used to this?" Mum

any shape or form. A tear creeps out and Calihan throws his little arms around my waist. "Don't

nod at mum. "I'm

"I know, it's just taken you a long time to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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