Chapter 0427


"And she was nice?" I ask Maddie, not quite believing what she was telling me about Blair

'Blair has to be playing us, right?' Nyx mutters

"She was. Brax made her nervous and she did keep checking to see where he was. But ultimately, she didn't have anything bad to say about anyone but Cooper. I don't really know her and that's why I suggested that I be there. I thought if she is pretending, she would at least let it slip to someone she doesn't know, or someone that has gone through something similar. I even showed her the bruises I still have and do you know what, she said I should be resting. But I told her I wanted to help."

"You didn't have to do that.

"I know, I just wanted to contribute. You and the Alpha are both letting me stay in the house and I don't even have my Lycan abilities so I figured this was something I can do."

"Has Brax spoken to you about your Lycan?" I ask

"He suggested you bite me and turn me back.”

'He what?' Nyx replies, shocked by the idea

"I told him I wasn't even sure thats what I wanted anymore."

"That's....that wasn't what I was talking about. There may be a chance that this lack of abilities is temporary. It might come back."

She frowns and shakes her head. "No."

do you mean

told me. He said it was my punishment for being with Brax, that I would never get to experience being a Lycan again. Only those who

off of


"Something about how he

"He doesn't make mistakes?"

bit fuzzy and sometimes it doesn't sound right in my head. Now and again I will get a clear memory and know it's not from a dream. I remember him standing

mistakes? It feels like there is a hidden

'I agree.'

remember anything

head. "I'm sorry, Neah. I try and Brax keeps asking me. When try to remember it, it feels like I'm being pulled into a dream and I can't always tell



if I go and lie down, it's

belongs to .Org

as Nyx continuously repeats

'He doesn't make mistakes.'

a weird thing to say,


there would even be a chance she could keep

legs up under me. "Do you think he fucked up by saying that to her?" I speak out loud as I

mistakes so there is a good chance. Maybe Cooper thought she was out of it? Maybe

It was so

his side? Why target Blair and then Maddie? Why did he have this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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