Chapter 0448


"You want me to walk Kade to school?"

"Please don't talk with your mouth full." Mum scolds me. "But yes."

"Isn't the school like two hundred feet from here. You could watch him from the window."

"I could, but the entrance is around the other side."

"I'm not allowed to leave the house unless I'm being watched."

"Maddie has agreed to watch you from afar. All you have to do is walk him there, make sure

he goes inside and come straight back. I would but Braelyn has been awake most of the night. I need to get her to settle."

Hlook at my little sister, clinging to mum as she lets out little whimpers. Last night was about the only night I wished I could leave the house.

"Okay." I agree, only so I can try and find out what is going on with the little brat.

"Thank you."

Kade stares at me as he pulls his bag onto his back and even without my Lycan I can see that he hates the idea.

"I'm not a baby." He snarls at me

"Then maybe you should tell mum, because she asked me to walk you."

"Only because my stupid sister was up all night."

"HEY!" I snap at him and he actually seems surprised. "Braelyn is a baby. She cannot tell anyone what is hurting or if she wants something. Maybe you will realise one day that we all have bad days, no matter how old we are."


We leave the house and immediately he kicks over one of mum's plants. Stamping it into the ground.

"You say you are not a baby but you are certainly acting like one."

"Fuck off!" He glares at me and even I'm shocked. He turns eight tomorrow, not eighteen... "Are you serious right now?" I fold my arms across my chest and he copies me.

you. Maybe you should be scared of me. Now that you haven't got your

back to the house. He tries to punch me and kick me, but I'm

open the front door, Calihan stares

"Where's mum?"

I see Ryken marching towards us. A

me what's happening?"

hit me!" Kade pulls himself free of my grip or maybe I let him go at the shock of his response. I

to slits as

"You don't...."

I nod and turn away, just to

to his room.

"But dad...."

"I said bedroom, now."

slip through the door leading

stairs. Waiting for Rykens inevitable appearance. Kade was going to be the reason everything goes tits up

over it. It moves faster than the

a knock on the

"Come in." I whisper

the floorboards creaking below his feet. He steadily plods down the stairs and lets out a heavy sigh

"What happened Blair?"

happened. Repeating Kades words exactly. There was no way I was letting a seven year old be the reason I

"I have to ask."

like I said, I grabbed his collar and

though I hadn't


said, mum asked me to walk him to school, I reminded her that I couldn't leave the house unless I was being watched. She said Maddie

next to me, "Sadly, I

"You do?"

But I believe you because you didn't see me

was a test?"

for you. I saw what he did with my own eyes. I heard

why didn't

wanted to see how you handled it. If you had hit him, this would be a

killed." I mutter "But if you don't

"Speaking from experience?"

don't answer but we both know I

to do?" I ask

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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