Chapter 0486


"Are you sure there is nothing I can get you?" Dane asks softly as he sticks his head around the bathroom door.

I glare at him as my stomach churns and he silently retreats. Apparently I can watch someone have their foot hacked off, I can take part in skinning them alive and rip out their heart without a single desire to throw up and yet the smell of chicken has me rejecting the tiniest amount of food I had managed to eat.

*Dane, you are the Alpha, but you are not a woman. Let me go in." Mallory mutters.

*Just tell her I'm going to speak to Damien." He replies as Mallory scoots in around the door.

*Shit, you look horrendous." she muses

Apart from the sweat, I was still covered in Cooper's blood. Dane had picked me up off the chair and Mallory had come in with a freshly cooked chicken and since then, I had been in the bathroom, practically hugging the toilet. My throat burned, my stomach hurt and yet I was so damn hungry.

*I remembered these helped you last time." She hands me a packet of ginger biscuits. "Not sure if they will this time, but it's worth a try."

I take one from the pack and nibble on it and it seems to do the trick, for now. "This is worse than last time." I mutter as she sits on the floor next to me

"I'm sure it will get better."

"I'm sorry. This is probably the last thing you want to deal with."

I have Luca now. But maybe it is time for you to get checked out. Just to make sure everything is

see anything.


me at least shower

will be right outside if you need me." She

moment I watch the streaks of red disappear down the drain, washing away the last of that asshole. 'Neah, something is wrong.' Nyx murmurs as I feel the pounding beat of

I didn't want to end up on bed rest again. Especially

Us. Call

into the bathroom as black spots appear before my eyes. I reach out to the wall to steady myself, but it's further away than I thought and I start

I've got you!" she stops my head hitting the floor as the pounding of my heart echoes in my head. I hear her call for Eric and


was a sound I knew like the back of my hand. I was

didn't need to see to know that it was him. Light sparks ignite my skin as his thumb

The lights are bright and I slam my

are okay."

murmur, squinting

eat.' Nyx

blood sugar was dangerously low. You

had happened all the time when Trey and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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