Chapter 0493

"How long have you been following us?" I ask as his footsteps crunch on the ground.

Brax steps up behind me "Long enough."

"I was going to kill her."

"And if you had, it may just screw things up between you and Neah."

I spin around to look at him. "Neah understands more than you will ever know. I was going to kill Eris for her, for us, for our family. Letting her go would have been a mistake."

"We all know that." He walks to Eris who is still slumped against a tree. Using his fingers, he carefully closes her eyelids. "But Neah is pregnant and she is going to need you. And this way, you don't need to lie to her. Besides, Neah already knows that I will do what I need to do, to ensure that she and her babies are safe. That was the deal right?"

"I wasn't going to lie."

"Okay." He mutters, pulling Eris over his shoulder. "Let me deal with this, you head back."

I take my time going back to Neah. I wasn't sure why Brax thought I would lie to my mate. I had no intention of lying, that wasn't the agreement between Neah and I. I just needed to kill Eris first. At least now, she was another problem cut from our lives.

'Dane, come to mine!' Eric links me

What's the problem?'

too complicated for me

with Luca and

points to the house and I hear a crash come from

ask as there is another crash

Eric nods at me

ripped through it. Furniture was uprooted,

son down. It's

me, throwing his Lycan frame at me. His arms lock around my neck as he buries his nose against me. His breaths are heavy and his heart races but as I hold him, I feel his

staring at me. "Is that really all it has

trashed house. Evrin couldn't do a lot in Human form,

"Mumma." He whispers tearfully.

think we have found what this was all about." I look down at my son. He was a miniature version of her. But unlike Logan, Evrin seemed to know when something wasn't right with

Neah okay?" Mallory

but she will

"Mumma." Evrin whispers again.

and go find her." I smile at him

In true sibling style, they start pushing each other, but start laughing when I carry them like

are giggling all the way to the hospital and are desperate to get down when they see Neah. The boys scramble all over her, both fighting for attention as she hugs them and

a few years ago about my future children, I would have laughed in their face, but here they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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