Chapter 0503

"I don't regret it."


"I'm not the only one lying to myself, am I?" She winks at me. "Spill."

Her pace is quick as she follows me across the grounds to the burnt out packhouse. She doesn't push for more information, well not verbally anyway. Just her presence was enough to know she wasn't leaving until I had given her something. She had always been the same and a lot of the time, her persistence pays off.

She comes to an abrupt stop next to me and looks up at what was left of the packhouse.

"This isn't why you had that look on your face." She mutters

"I'm not ready to talk about it." I try, hoping that for once, she would just drop it.

"Okay, so tell me why you have come here."

"Work has started."

"I've seen that."

"I might as well help." I tell her


and she just stares at me. "Sorry,

on?" This time there was no teasing, she wanted to know. Maybe if

is alot going on

as well as I do that it's best

to Raven's grave."


there since she was

"Why now?"

felt like

Eris?" She


there is someone

call it because I don't know

like this



felt something when she touched me. A spark, a bolt of electricity. I don't know what it was but

"Not even with Raven."

was different with her. With Raven, it spread through me, reaching

"Good or bad."

And surely there is no way I would have been given a third mate so quickly. But then there are times where she invades my thoughts. Or

"How does she feel?"

me any kind of sign to suggest that she had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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