Chapter 0538

*Somewhere neutral." Dane mutters. "The city."

"You think he won't do anything because there are Humans?" I shake my head

*He will cause more problems for himself." Dane smirks at me.

'It's a good option. Thalia will be able to get out unseen and even if she is seen, it will be too late for Serkan to do anything. He will be after his number one priority.' Lyall tells me

"Your choice." Neah mutters

"Okay." I agree. "When?"

"A few more questions first." Neah states, "If that's okay."

I will answer everything and anything she throws at me if it means I can save

you rescued Cooper's prisoners and many of them

*For rehabilitation."

that the first



asshole was providing Serkan with people to grow the pack." Damien sneers at me "And you didn't see it. He was

I mutter. I didn't

to concern yourself with that." Dane tells me. "She's

He couldn't be right, could he? How could I have missed

make people feel secure. Offer them a

trail off. Every single one of them had eventually been killed for one reason or another. But

currently staring at me in a much smaller than

got it." Damien

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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