Chapter 0541

As I begin fuelling up, a car pulls in at the pump behind. A large Wolf gets out and nods his head to me as he starts to fuel up. I return the gesture, though he wasn't a Wolf from my pack. There was a good chance he was just passing through the area.

Glancing up to the building, I could see Neah through the window as she tries to decide on a snack. When I look back at the Wolf, he is staring at her. And then I see him. An older man, sitting in the back of the car. The darkness almost shields him except for the whites of his eyes.

'Is that Serkan, in the car?' Aero growls

'Silas said he was still back home.' I mutter back, returning my attention to Neah.

"Is that her?" The Wolf asks me. He speaks like he knows me.

"Yes." I try to replicate Silas's accent. If it is a guard of Serkan's, he must think I'm my twin. I could play along.

Lowering my head. I link Damien and Eric. "Four miles out at the fuel station. Bring back up." I cut the link before they would have time to realise what

I was doing. We were only a few miles from home, I could buy time if I needed to.

Sniffing the air, I couldn't be certain if there were others. The Alpha of White Cliffs being out and about with one guard was unlikely.

a glance at my mate. She's waving at me

her drop whatever she is holding. 'Go back

worker, like nothing strange is happening

pea." I tell the Wolf

grows stronger." He comes to

took some convincing. You didn't need to bring Serkan

further south

difficulties, nothing I

"Between you and me, didn't think you would

now that


home and you can see that fire kissed mate of

have I not

smacks me in the arm again. "You are right as always. We will wait until she gets back

pay?" I gesture

Si." He pulls his wallet from his back pocket and starts to walk away. Grabbing

head through I the rear passenger

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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