Chapter 11 Eleven

Killian's point of view

I couldn't understand why I felt uneasy, my mind constantly going back to Sheila.

Ryker's restlessness kept intensifying, and it was driving me insane. I couldn't focus on my work properly, and I kept experiencing pain from the dark hole in my chest. It was unbearable.

I left my office and headed to Thea's chamber, where I've been for several hours now. Being near her was usually like medicine to my soul. Somehow, her presence always seemed to make the pain from the cursed hole in my soul bearable.

But these days, it was almost as if the dark hole had come alive, and nothing was working, not even Thea's presence. Not even the healer's potions. Nothing.

I was on the bed with Thea beside me when I was mind linked by Mason. His voice echoed within the walls of my mind in a frenzy.

"Alpha, the pack is under attack." He rushed in a sentence. I jolted from the bed immediately. Thea was up beside me.

"What?" I snatched my clothes from the floor, wearing them in a hurry. "Who are they?"

"Rogues," he replied quickly.

My eyes flashed rage. "Mason, get the warriors and head to the pack borders. We must stop them before they get into the pack."

"Alright, Killian," He disconnected with me.

I mind-linked Adam together with the pack army, ordering them to spread out to the borders while some of the warriors swept through the pack, and the others should ensure the pack members were taken to safety.

I was about to mind-link Allen when someone connected to me.

Brielle's panicked voice flooded my mind. "Alpha!" Something was wrong. Ryker and I felt it. He had begun to growl angrily.

"What is it?" I felt my chest tighten in a knot, awaiting her frenzied voice.

"It's Luna, she——" At the mention of Sheila, I cut her off, a strange emotion exploding within me. Fear.

"What happened to Sheila?" I roared. I didn't even realize I was yelling aloud while speaking through the mind-link.

"Someone sighted some rogues heading north to the garden, and Luna was there. Ria left her for only a second at the garden. I'm on my way there but—" Before Brielle finished her words, I cut her off again, my legs having a kind of life of their own, hastening to the door. I could hear Thea's voice speaking, but I could care less what she had to say. I needed to get to Sheila. She was in danger.

The instant I reached outside, I gave Ryker control and shifted into my gargantuan black wolf.

We sprinted off, heading towards the pack garden. It was far away from the castle.

Why did Ria take her that far? I wanted to lash out on her, but Ryker growled in my head. "This wasn't the time for that, human."

He was right. This wasn't the time for that.

I reached the pack's garden. From afar, my eyes zeroed in on Sheila. She was on the ground, circled by three roguish wolves who had already leaped into the air to attack her.

Ryker let out a powerful howl as he raced closer to Sheila. Ryker's eyes went completely red. Without being told twice, he lunged at the wolf who was a second away from descending on Sheila.

Ryker's sharp claws pierced the wolf, and with his elongated canines, he bit another wolf, tossing them against the rough earth.

We landed on our paws, and so did the two wolves who were already bleeding. The third one was beside them, glaring at my wolf.

Ryker took his stance in front of a terrified Sheila, tilting his head to inspect her body for any injuries. Thankfully, there was none. But Ryker and I still felt the immense rage pumping in our veins at the rogues who dared touch what was ours.

"Run, Sheila run!" I sounded loudly in her head with Ryker's voice. Her round blue eyes were stuck on mine. She was trembling really hard, but couldn't move a muscle. We felt the urge to wrap our arms around her, but I had guarded eyes on the wolves who had begun to move closer to us.

"Sheila, shift!" It was a command that would force her wolf to control her, but nothing happened. She didn't shift, instead, more fear found her blue irises. "Sheila!" I called. She looked so scared, I wished I could rush to her side.

"I— I can't. I can't shift!" She spoke quickly, which confused me.

"What do you mean, you can't?" I wanted to ask, but now wasn't the time. I turned my bloodshot eyes on the wolves who lunged at me. In swift motion, I sent my claws deep into one of the wolves, tearing it up. I sent my canines into the head of the second, separating them from their bodies, while snapping the neck of a third. Many rogues emerged from the woods, and I kept fighting.

Soon, Allen, Adam, and some of my pack warriors joined in the fight.

"Get Shelia out of here!" I mind-linked Adam, and he nodded.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Adam take Sheila away, and we continued fighting till every one of the rogues was dead. I shifted back into my human form, slipping into my shorts.

I mind-linked Mason and Xavier, who were scattered around the pack with some warriors. "How's the situation over there?" I asked.

"They are all dead. We are sweeping through the pack borders now. We will head back to the castle soon." Mason responded.

I nodded. Scanning the bloody mess of the lifeless wolves on the ground.

"I'm just confused. How did they manage to get past the Pack's defenses?" Allen came from behind.

I have been thinking the same thing as well. The crescent North Pack was the largest in the whole of the North Central, and our defenses were almost impenetrable. It baffled me how some mere rogues could get this far into the pack.

I said honestly, "I have no idea, Allen. I have a bad feeling about this."

I swerved my attention to Jax, who was beside one of the dead wolves. "You need to see this," Jax said, and I went to him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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