Chapter 70 Seventy

Killian's point of view

I don't know why my heart was pounding so loud, there was something in her words that terrified me. But I listened quietly.

"I really do not know, Killian," She muttered, after a long silence. "I was fast asleep in my chamber when the smoke from the fire stirred me awake. By then the fire had spread around." She paused, tears were gliding down her cheek. I brushed it off, listening as she continued. "I reached for the door, but it was locked. Someone had locked me and wanted me to die in that fire."

Thea burst out in tears. Her words confirmed my suspicion. But who could have tried to murder her, I was damned sure it wasn't anyone from the pack. But then again, there were still unsolved mysteries in the pack relating to Rowan and the witch that had murdered him. Could it possibly be the witch who tried to harm Thea? It could either be that witch or maybe, the Alpha of Thea's old pack had found her.

"Killian, I know someone doesn't want me to help you to break the curse." Her sudden words crippled my brows. What does she mean by that?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"There's no other reason why someone will try to murder me. I am sure whoever it was doesn't want the curse to be broken and doesn't want me to be officially mated to you, and bear your mark." Thea sounded quiet, watching me.

The more she kept saying 'someone', I got a feeling she had a name in mind, but something within me stirred angrily. Even Ryker that had completely withdrawn himself from anything that had to do with Thea, roved to the surface of my consciousness.

"What are you saying, Thea? Speak plainly!" I said, deep down I had a feeling what she was saying. But I just hoped I was wrong.

"I know you know who I am talking about, Killian. She is the only one who is angry that I will be officially mating with you, and bearing your mark." She rasped.

"So, you are saying, Sheila, tried to murder you?" Even the words sounded infuriating and implausible. I couldn't stop the rage that was slowly rising within me as Thea nodded her head slowly.

I pulled away from her, quietly.

"Think about it Kill—"

I cut her off, "There is nothing to think about, Thea. Sheila is not capable of something like that," I yelled at her. Fuck, u didn't mean to. The look on Thea's face killed me. But she needed to remove such idiotic thoughts from her mind. Sheila could never do that.

Thea was silent for a deafening minute. We both were. Then she nodded with a smile. "Fine, Killian. I believe you. I am sure that woman could never do something like that," she yelled in pain as she tried to move from the bed.

I rushed to her side, engulfing her in my arms. "Easy there," I fell on the bed, and she curled herself on me, writhing in so much pain. I stroke her back tenderly.

"If it isn't that woman, who else could have tried to harm me?" She asked, her voice choking a sob. "I am scared they might try again, Killian." I brought her closer to me, and she hung on dearly as if she was clinging to her very life.

"No one in the pack tried to murder you, Thea. The only person I could think of is him, the bastard who murdered your family, and tried to murder you." I said, even though I couldn't clearly see her face, I felt her body stiffen in my arms. I knew she hated to talk about him and her past, but I had no choice. Someone tried to murder her and could do it again.

When she didn't speak, I shifted on the bed to see her face. "Come on, tell me who that person is. Which Pack is it?"

"You don't have to know, Killian" she rushed sharply, crying further. "He is evil Killian, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. And besides, I doubt he knows I am alive, or even at your pack. So please, do not speak of him," she buried her head again in my chest, crying.

I remained silent, unable to say a word, after some time, her loud sobs died.

"You need to rest more, Thea, so you could heal faster," I told her, pulling away but she held me tightly.

"Please Killian, don't leave me. Please, I need you. I won't be able to rest without you beside me." She said, suddenly biting out. "Spend the night with me, Killian."

The look on her face was pleading, sad and vulnerable. I have never seen her like this. Blood Fuck. I hated this. Sheila was also waiting for me in her chamber.

"Please, Killian, I almost lost my life. I need you,"

I leaned back on the bed, lying next to her. "Fine. Sleep tight." I said to her,

A small smile found her lips, and she nestled closer to me. "I love you," she said, bringing her lips to mine.

"Thea, I can't," I said firmly. Even though I haven't marked Sheila yet, our bond had grown stronger now that with just a kiss from Thea, Sheila would feel the pain. I can't put her through such pain.

I wrapped my hands around her instead, watching her fall asleep, but I couldn't. My heart and my soul were somewhere else. And I wished I was in the arms of my mate.


Sheila's point of view

I inhaled deeply, stretching my body on the bed. My eyes pulled open, and I turned on the bed. To my disappointment, Killian wasn't next to me. He didn't return last night. But regardless, I felt amazing. The best I've felt in weeks and so did Adie. It was like enormous energy was bustling in my veins. And I loved it.

I was up from the bed, I stripped naked, rushing for a quick shower. I was out in a flash, and I got dressed in a peach color dress, giving my hair a quick brush. I allowed its natural curls to fall on my face, down to my shoulders. I left my chamber to Killian's, but he was not in his chamber. In fact, it didn't seem like he spent the night in his chamber.

I went down for breakfast. I found Ria in the dining hall. She greeted me with a smile. I couldn't dismiss the coquettish smiles everyone seemed to be sending my way, it made me uncomfortable, and at the same time made me blush.

"Where is Killian?" I asked as he hadn't come down for breakfast yet. "He isn't in his chamber nor his office."

Ria took a seat next to me. "Well, uhm…" she began in her usual tone when she had something unpleasant to tell me. "Something happened last night…"

My brows furrowed questioningly. "Tell me, what happened?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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