143 The vision … Lyla I left the training ground and wandered back to the Packhouse .

As soon as I reached , my steps slowed when a familiar scent reached me it was Ramseys .

What was he doing back to the Packhouse this carly ? He usually came back every night and not in the evening .

Curiously , I followed his scent until it stopped at a partially open door that was Ramseys den .

I opened the door slowly without making a sound .

Pecking inside , I saw him .

He was slumped in a chair , his head resting on his right hand sleeping .

Although his expression looked peaceful , I could see how exhausted he was .

Dark circles framed his closed eyes and his shoulders were sagged in a way Id never seen before .

I hesitated at the door .

I should leave right and let him sleep .

This was the first time I was seeing him since I came to his pack .

I knew he was avoiding me because of Cassidy , but still … thinking about it made me sad .

Sighing .

I turned to leave , but something tugged at my heart .

At the vulnerability on his face .

Hed cramp or worse , develop pain in his neck if I let him sleep in that position .

Against my better judgment , I pushed the door wider and entered , trying to walk as stealthily as I could .

When I reached his chair , I found the lever and lowered it backwards , then nuzzled him into the lowered chair .

He didnt stir for once .

Confirming he was still alive and breathing , I threw a blanket I saw on the couch in his office over him , and supported his head on both sides with the throw pillows I saw on the couch too .

I stood back , satisfied with what I did .

I stared at him for a moment , fighting the powerful urge to touch him .

To tuck , the wisps of hair on his face behind his ears .

It wouldnt be right .

If Nathan should hear of it , it might offend him , and I didnt want him to think I was having doubts about us .

Deciding Ive had enough of his pretty face , I turned to leave .

A searing pain exploded through my chest .

I gasped , groaning , clutching at my chest as the world around me blurred .

I saw at least a dozen Ferals charging towards the Southern Border of the White Moon Pack , followed closely by a Trinax .

Their claws and teeth glinted in the pale light as they advanced .

When I opened my eyes , my chest was heaving with fear and Ramsey was holding me , worry etched into every line of his face .


? Are you hurt ? Should I call Miriam or the Priestess ? I shook

something , I said , looking

so real , but I think its a vision

and picked me up in one swift motion ,

; you look like youve

Priestess and Miriam

placed me on the chair , I pushed his hands

I said

Listen to me .

Southern border theyre

Ferals .

least two dozen of them

had their Trinax with them and … You have to rally the warriors and have them prepared : I felt him hesitate as he stared at me

received any reports from our patrols stationed there , surely … Ramsey ! I shouted

going to say , people

a narrow path at the

Silver tipped spears .

, no modern

all times , they must be together and

at least

possibly use

AM SURE ! I screeched

dont have the slightest idea what Im saying , but

like a voice is

I say , Ramsey

, then Ill take

for a few

to Lenny and

, lie down , you look

and sat on the

minutes later , Lenny and the Gamma

exactly what to use and about the attacks from the

the Gamma raised an eyebrow at

simply nodded and left to go carry out the instructions

until Ramsey left before I returned

there was this familiar tingling … the one

chest at any second , I left my room

raised my hand to knock on her door

was leaving the room

slight argument we had

here ?

I need to see Mother Liora

something I must tell her

thing ? she asked flatly

vision and I saw Ferals approaching the Southern

I knew

how they should

to do , but still I

is happening to

the books I read on Moonsingers

something is

Nanny said quietly , And you cant see

Shes resting .

to adways come to her whenever something Myond and think she need to know appone , I De det Nanny replied

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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