Chapter 42
The drive to Cloverland was a 4 hour trip. I had thought we would stop for lunch during the drive, but Molly had thought ahead and packed sandwiches, snacks, and drinks. Chatter during the drive was pretty much light, upbeat, and fun. Colby cracked a lot of jokes, and had us all laughing constantly Braxton talked about some of the things he had been doing with friends recently Molly excitedly talked about how she was going to set her classroom up before elementary school was back in session in a few months.
The drive seemed to go quicker than I expected. Before I knew it, we were pulling up to the entrance of Dark Moon pack. Dmitri stopped next to what I guess was a security building. I never knew packs had those Moonlight pack didn’t.
“Dark Moon is the second largest pack in the country. They also have several higher education programs here so they have to take security very seriously. They have a lot of non-pack members coming, and going.” Dimitri explained as he lowered his window
“Good afternoon. How can I help you?” A man said as he came to the window
“Hello. I am Beta Dimitri Bloomfield of Moonlight pack, here to bring Chastity Bloomfield for check in at Cloverland.” Dimitri stated.
“Very good. I need to see passes for all in the vehicle, as well as identification.” The guard stated, causing me to freeze as I didn’t have an ID.
“Here you go. Passes, and identification for myself, Colby Bloomfield, Rowen Druid, Chastity Bloomfield, Braxton Bloomfield, Jax Bloomfield, and Molly Bloomfield.” Dimitri said as he handed over a small stack of papers with cards.
“Um. Dimitri, I don’t have an id.” I leaned forward, and whispered.
“Yes you do. You’ve always had one, it wasn’t just given to you. I had the photo updated recently, but you do have one.” Dimitri said with a smile
“Oh.” I responded, and sat back
“Alright. This all looks good. To get to Cloverland go to the second intersection, and turn right. Cloverland is at the end of the road. Proceed through the gate to the front building. The admissions office is right as you walk in the building. Welcome Miss. Bloomfield, and good luck.” The guard stated, and stepped back.
I could only nod. I was really here. I was really going to be allowed to attend. I actually got into this school. It felt like a dream, but the best dream I had ever had. Dimitri followed the instructions the guard gave. Once we reached the parking lot in front of the building in the center, he shut off the SUV, and we all piled out. I looked around, and saw a decent sized building to the left of the, what I assumed was the main building. Behind the main building was a huge building with the medical symbol on the front. I guessed that was the school itself I was impressed, and slightly intimidated.
I started to shake with nerves, and excitement. Rowen reached down, and intertwined our hands, and smiled down at me. I beamed at him. I was beyond excited. We quietly followed Dimitri into the building. and into an office marked Admissions. He walked right up to the desk in front. There was an older woman sitting behind the counter, looking at what I can only assume was a computer screen.
“Good afternoon. Beta Dimitri Bloomfield here to check in Chastity Bloomfield.” Dimitri stated as the woman at the counter looked up.
“Good afternoon Beta. I am Danielle, Head of Admissions. Welcome to Cloverland. Chastity if you could
please step up here we’ll get you squared away.” Danielle said with a smile.
I stepped to the counter, as Danielle turned to her right, and started to sort through some thick files on her desk.
“Here we are, Chastity Bloomfield First let me welcome you, and congratulations on being admitted to our school here. We are honored to have you.” Danielle said with a smile, as she put the folder on the counter, and slid it to me.
“Thank…thank you.” I said.
“In this folder you will find everything you need. There is a map of the grounds, as well as each of our three buildings. You will also find your room assignment information. The unmated wolves are in single rooms on the second and third floors of the housing building, to the right of this building. Mated pairs are in the suites on the fourth, and fifth floors. If you find your mate while here, you will have to put in a request to be moved to a suite. The cafeteria, and guest suites are on the first floor ” Danielle stopped. when we heard Rowen growl, and she smiled.
“Obviously that won’t be a thing you need right now. I am sorry for the insult.” Danielle stated with a smile
“It’s quite alright. You were unaware.” Rowen stated.
“I am guessing you will not be staying as Chastity is in a single room. We do welcome visitors, but we need requests for visits that will extend over night visits a week in advance so we can ensure guest quarters are secured. As Chastity has a mate, he is allowed to share her room with her, if she so choses, but guests who stay in the student’s room are requested to leave prior to the student leaving for their first class. All visitors must come to this office upon arrival to receive a visitor’s pass before being allowed to move around the grounds.” Danielle explained.
“Don’t even think about it Rowen.” I heard Jax growl under his voice.
“Can it Jax. They are mates. What they do or do not do is their business.” Molly snapped.
“Yeah, but…”
“No. Enough. I am sorry Ms. Danielle. Please continue.“
“You will also find you full class schedule in the file, along with the list of your needed supplies for each. class. If you go right out of this office you will find the book store, and the supply store. Did you preorder your books?” Danielle continued, after smiling at Molly.
“Yes I did.” I responded.
“I’ll take the supply lists, and get that stuff for you Chas.” Jax offered, and I nodded.
“Wonderful. They will have your books collected, and ready for you to pick up.” Danielle sad.
“I can get those Chastity.” Colby offered
“You’ll need to go to the book store though. They have a very large selection of scrubs. You’ll need at least five sets. You need to get your lab coat as well. You can get your stethoscope from the book store. They will help you find the right size ear pieces for you. As you are enrolled as a pre-natal, maternity, neo- natal, and pediatric major, they’ll help you pick the right stethoscope. If you have a laptop or tablet, please take that to the book store so they can load the programs you will need for your classes. For each semester make sure to take your laptop to them for any new programs needed, and updates. On the floor upstairs is our, I guess you could call it a department store. It has just about everything else you will possibly need from food, drinks, incidentals, to bedding, electronics, and clothes.” Danielle said.
“I’ll grab you laptop from the car when we’re done here, and meet you at the book store.” Dimitri said to which I nodded.
“If you take a left out of this office you will find a fully equipped gym, as well as classrooms for self defense training, yoga, art, and any other extra curricular activities you want to sign up for There is a packet in your folder that lists, and details all of our extra curricular activities. Self defense, weight training, and other such classes are taught by Dark Moon warriors so you will get proper training. Any art type classes are taught by our high school teachers. Cooking is taught by several chefs from pack restaurants. All employees here are Dark Moon pack members.
“The building all of your program classes are taught will be in the medical building out back. That doubles. as our pack hospital so when your clinicals begin you will be working with actual patients in the hospital, and pack members of Dark Moon. You will get your complete training, with hands on here
“Behind the pack hospital is about three acres of wooded area for the students to run their wolves. As you are not an official pack member we require that any runs or exercising of your wolf you do, you stick to that, and the campus grounds. The campus grounds are fenced off for your protection since, as you know warriors, and patrol wolves know all of the scents of their pack wolves. Since you are not known to them, and are not a pack member they could accidentally view you as a threat. We like to keep our students safe here For that reason we request that you do not venture off campus in wolf form or shift into your wolf, even if you are with a pack member. You are allowed to venture into our pack town, if you please, but you must always carry your school ID, and make it visible at all times. We try not to restrict our students too much, but we must always protect our pack, as well as our students. Can we count on you to follow these requests?” Danielle went on to explain.
“Yes ma’am.” I responded as it all made perfect sense to me.
“Good. I need to get your picture for your school ID, and have the Dean join us for a moment. Please stand in front of the blue screen behind you.” Danielle advised.
“Oh! Picture! Hang on Chas!” Molly squealed.
She pulled a brush out of the bag she was carrying, and came toward me. In an instant she had my hair out of it’s pony tail, and brushing it to look nice. When she was done, I moved in front of the blue screen, and smiled. Danielle moved to the camera set up on the counter, and snapped two pictures. Once done I threw my hair back up into a pony tail, and went back to the counter. Danielle hit a few buttons on her screen then I heard something print, and something that sounded like plastic hitting the floor
Danielle handed me a small, hard plastic card. It had my picture, with my name, and Student of Cloverland Nursing, and Midwife School printed on it. It had slot cut near the top, and a black strip on the back. I looked to Danielle questioningly
“That is the key used to enter your room, as well as each building on campus, and classroom. It is connected to your meal account so you can use it in the cafeteria to buy food. It is also connected to your books, and supplies account. Any time you need supplies or books, use that to charge them to the set up accounts. Keep it visible, and on you at all times. Any thing you purchase at the department store. or in the park town you will need cash, bank card, or credit card. They sell lanyards, and other such holders.for those in the supply store, and in the department store, for your convenience. Ah. Here is Dean Leonard now. Dean.” Danielle smiled, and nodded to the dark skinned, older man who walked into the office. He was tall, and lean, with kind eyes.
“Dean, this is Chastity Bloomfield, one of our first year students.” Danielle explained.
“Welcome to Cloverland Chastity. We are very happy to have you.” Dean Leonard said with a smile.
you sir.”
settled. The first is that your visitors can only stay until eight this evening. They can join you in the cafeteria for dinner this evening, if they would like. As I am sure Danielle told
not permitted to join the pack runs, unless they are mated to a pack member which from what I understand is not going to be an issue for you. The third thing is that we encourage our students to go home for the holidays to spend time with their families. The school closes for a week for Thanksgiving, two weeks for Christmas, and a week for fourth of July as we honor those major human
ever you choose to. This does not interfere with or, end your connection to your home pack. All it does is connect you to our emergency link that consists only of Dark Moon’s Alpha, Luna, Beta, Gamma, and myself. It is also
“No sir.” I responded.
left hand please I will prick your thumb, and connect my thumb with yours to connect you to the emergency link. It will
“Yes sir.”
put my left thumb out to him, as I felt Rowen’s hands rest on my shoulders lightly I hadn’t expected this, but it did make sense A lot of it did really Dark Moon was trusting people from other
School accept you, Chastity Bloomfield as a student, and temporary member of our school pack. Do you accept your admittance?” Dean
I said with a
wasn’t as overwhelming. It felt like. an additional tiny door added to my mind. There was no chatter on
you are now officially a student of Cloverland. Welcome Chastity,
sir.” I
all smiling brightly at me. I couldn’t believe this was official. We all filed out of the office, and stood in the lobby for a second. I handed Jax my supply list, and he and Molly set off to get what I need. Braxton, Colby, Rowen, and I headed to the book store, which was easy to find. Dimitri went out to the car to get my laptop. At the counter, the boy working went to grab my books, after pointing me in the direction of the scrubs, lab coats, and stethoscopes. I went to pick out my stethoscope. I picked one that
cartoon characters on them. I went to the solids first, and picked out a few basic pairs. Two sets of purple, blue, and green. At some point Rowen wandered off, and came back with a pair that was dark blue with little wolves all over it. I quickly added them to my stack. Colby, and Braxton had the most fun though. They went to the cartoon character section. There they found Bugs Bunny, Minnie Mouse, and even Smurfette. They insisted I needed all of them. I didn’t argue. Just laughed, and figured they
pull out my school ID, when Demitri waved me off, and put it all on his credit card. I gave him a confused look. He just told me that, as my father it was his job to make sure I had what I needed. I just let it go. I didn’t want to offend him. Colby grabbed my box of books, while Rowen grabbed my bags. Demitri had my laptop. We left the store to find Jax, and Molly waiting for me, carrying a ton of bags. It looked like they bought out the whole store I just shook my head. “What? There was a lot of stuff on those lists. We wanted
like you bought
Anything that was required multiple times we bought three of You’ll have plenty to
“Um. OK. Thanks.”
did find you the
we all unloaded everything from the SUV, and headed toward my room. I was on the second floor, half way down the hall to the right. The doors were painted different colors, and had our names
so everyone could bring what they were carrying in. Molly walked straight into the bathroom to look around. I followed her The bathroom had a large shower stall, with a seat in it, and racks molded into the corner for my shower supplies. There was single
and we have nothing to hang your pictures with. Come on Brax We’re going to the department store now to get what Chas
Jax stated as
first suitcase to start unpacking. I put as much of my clothing in the dresser as i could. The t-shirts, sweatshirts, and coat I hung up as the dresser wasn’t very big. Colby had started loading my school books onto the bookshelf while Jax put away my supplies in the desk. Dimitri set my laptop on top of the desk then went to help Rowen put sheets on the
I needed
the bathroom, and one larger one for in here. You didn’t have a laundry basket so I got you one of those. I got Velcro strips to hang all of your pictures. You need curtains in here so I got those. I also go you toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, cleaning wipes, a broom and dust pan. As well as more hangers. We have a case of water for you, and a large, metal water bottle for you to carry
her phone and laptop.” Braxton grumbled as he dropped bags, and
right. Sorry Dimi, but
Molly Thank you for getting them.” Dimitri said as he took his credit card and receipt from
towels, and went to put them in the bathroom with the trash can, bath mat, and spare sheets Rowen had purchased for me. Rowen pulled out the Velcro strips, and pictures,
sweet girl how, and where do you want these hung up?” Rowen asked as he spread
I responded, looking
from my bed, and my desk. After one last look around, I decided that is where they should go. I went to the bed, and sorted the pictures into two piles. I picked up
these above the dresser
He asked
want them set up.”
I picked up the pictures I wasn’t hanging Colby, and Braxton walked in Braxton had the laundry basked, with
you want the
the bed please.” I
the laundry basket?”
please.” I said, going back to
one of Jax, Molly, Ross, Melissa, Rowen, and me from our date night with us girls on the guys shoulders. We were all laughing, and smiling. The third one was of Rowen, and I from Jax, and Molly’s ceremony. I set all three of them on my nightstand in a way that I could see all of them at the same time. I smiled at them, then moved to the bags Braxton, and Molly brought in. I
where are your toiletries?” Molly
pulled toilet paper out of
bouncing on the bed until Dimitri hit him on the head with a pillow, and told him to help finish up. I laughed, and pulled a butterfly covered welcome mat out of bag, and
yeah. You can put that right inside your door I thought it was cute, and
I collected up the bags as Rowen, and Jax finished hanging the pictures. Dimitri finished making my bed after kicking Colby off
the wolf I gave you
I had to bring him, and Duke. I didn’t feel right leaving
“I like it.”
take the boxes, and trash down stairs?
sat down on the bed. I was worried about what he wanted to say I hope it was
you will do very well here. Your mom would be very proud of you too. Dimitri said, smiling
hope she would
yourself for getting here. You worked hard for this, all on your own. You were determined to do it, and you did. You’ve
I really
have one more
“You do?”
picked out for me, and handed them all to me. The one
you that earned interest. When she passed, the survivor benefits for you as a minor went in there as well. When you turned eighteen her name was removed from the account so it’s solely yours. Your mom would have wanted you to have all of it to use as needed here, or for whatever else you need in the future. Thankfully Aurora never found out about it. I was the only one, other than the bank, and Gamma Peter since he handles the finances, who knew about it. There is more than enough in there that you don’t need to get a job while you’re here. You can focus on school, therapy,
you.” I
in that account, but I did move a large chunk back into savings. to keep
doubt I’ll need more, but
you do. It’s
to the cafeteria.
Did you see the clip Moily
“It’s on your dresser.”
Where did you find that ring on
had it
put it
“Thank you”
disk with an orchid printed in the center It had an elastic cord that retracted back into it. At the end of the
ID to leave the floor” Braxton explained with a
leave to go to the store, or get back
students let us up
for our dinner We found a table,
What’s wrong?” I mind linked
Read The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega by Jess K Chapter 42
Read The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega Chapter 42
The Read The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega series by Jess K has been updated to chapter Chapter 42 .
In Chapter 42 of the The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega series, The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega novel is about Chastity. Chastity is an Omega in her flock and she becomes a slave in the house at the hands of her stepmother. EVEN that hard life Chastity has always dreamed of going to college to become a nurse and marrying the person she loves. Unfortunately she finds out her mate is a future Alpha of her Rowen herd and he rejects her. And now Chastity has a chance to live with her open wish....Will this Chapter 42 author Jess K mention any details. Follow Chapter 42 and the latest episodes of this series at
The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega by Jess K Chapter 42
The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega Chapter 42