Chapter 54


The next morning I woke up to Jax sneaking out of my room, as we had agreed. I heard him have a whispered conversation with the warrior we agreed to place at my door, and with me at all times. After a few minutes I got out of bed, sent a text message to Chastity saying good morning then took a shower.

I had just finished dressing when there was a knock at my door then it opened slightly. I looked up from grabbing my laptop, and some files I wanted to bring to the meeting with me. The warrior, Blake had stuck. his head in the door, and looked concerned.

“Yes Blake?” I questioned.

“Umm. Miss Bianca is here to escort to you to breakfast.” He informed me.

“LUNA BIANCA!” I heard Bianca screech.

“I’m sorry Miss. I didn’t realize you were mated to Alpha Marvin. I am sorry for the disrespect.” Blake responded respectfully.

“EWW! Don’t be gross. That is my father.”

“I’ll be right there Blake.” I said with a smile.

“Just move you over grown oaf!” Bianca growled, and I shook my head at him.

He nodded slightly, and backed out of the room, obviously holding someone from entering. I sighed when he pulled the door shut, and I heard Bianca yelling until the door closed. Thank the goddess for sound proof rooms. Once I had everything I needed, and my shoes on I opened the door. I almost laughed at the glare Bianca was throwing at Blake. As soon as she saw me her face cleared, and she smiled brightly. I only nodded.

“Good morning Rowen. I’m hear to escort you to breakfast.” Bianca said with a too high pitched voice. “Thank you.” I said with a dip of my head.

“You can go now. I will keep Rowen company.” Bianca said to Blake.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but my orders are to stay with Alpha Rowen.” Blake said respectfully.

“Nonsense. He’s just as safe here in our pack as he is any where else. Now go.” Bianca growled.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I cannot.”

“I gave you an order, and you will follow it.”

“Unless that order comes directly from my chain of command I cannot. I am sorry.”

“It does! I am…..”

“Enough!” I growled, “Bianca, Blake stays with me at all times as he is my personal guard. He takes his orders from myself, my father, Beta Dimitri, or Beta Jax. Now if you will be so kind as to lead us to the dining room for breakfast I would appreciate it.” I stated firmly.

“Oh. No. You and I will be having breakfast in my private parlor this morning. I thought afterwards you would agree to the pack tour we discussed yesterday. No need for you to be locked away in some office all day. You’re too young, and active to be locked away with a bunch of old men like that. They don’t need you there, and you should be seen by our pack members. I’m sure they can iron out the details without you there anyway.” Bianca said.

“Thank you, but no. I will join the others for breakfast then proceed to the meeting with everyone else.” | responded walking past Bianca as she had stopped in front of a door just down the hall from my room.

“But…but why? You don’t need to be there. You need to be seen out, and in our pack. They need to see. who you are.” Bianca said running to catch up with me.

“Because as future Alpha of my pack I want to be involved in all discussions, and agreements made.”

“But wouldn’t your time here be better served getting to know the people, and spending time with me?”

“I’m sorry Bianca, but no.”

With that I opened the dining room door to find everyone already seated, and my place from the night. before empty, along with Bianca’s. The whole conversation with her set off warming bells in my head. I was beginning to think there was something else behind this meeting that we were not being told. I watched as Alpha Marvin’s eyes narrowed, but he quickly cleared his face, and smiled. That only raised my suspicions more.

“Rowen my dear boy. I hadn’t realized you would be joining us for breakfast. I thought you would have preferred a more private breakfast with my daughter.” Alpha Marvin said with a chuckle.

“It was offered, but I declined Alpha Marvin.” I stated as I took my seat, and an Omega placed a dish and utensils in front of me.

“Oh. Um. Ok. Have you changed your mind about joining Bianca on a pack tour today?”

“No sir. I appreciate the offer, but I will have to pass.”

“But son how will you learn what expect from the pack if you do not meet the people?”

“Again, while I appreciate the offer, this weekend is for trade agreements, and renewing our alliance. If I return someday I may take a tour of the pack, just not today.”

“If? Surely you’ll come back for visits often.” Bianca whined.

“I cannot promise that as I have quite the busy schedule in the months to come.”


“Leave it Bianca.” Alpha Marvin growled.

I caught her nod then pout out of the corner of my eye. I focused in the food on my plate, as Dimitri, and Beta Zander discussed the current state of their cedar grove which was their main trade item in the forms of furniture, and building supplies. It didn’t sound promising.

“I’m starting to see what you meant last night son.” My father privately mind linked me.

“I have a feeling I know what is going on, but I want to wait to see how they go about playing their hand here. I also heard about the disrespect you all received in regards to your rooms.” I responded.

“Yes. That was addressed before you arrived. Beta Zander was quite upset about it. Alpha Marvin waved it off, and claimed it to be poor understanding on Bianca’s part as she was in charge of arranging the


“Is it being changed?”

“Beta Zander said he would see to it personally.”

“Good. If I’m being honest the all around lack of respect since we arrived is concerning.”

“I agree.”

Our conversation was cut off at Alpha Marvin rose from his seat.

“Alpha Joseph, Beta Dimitri, if you’ll please come with me, and Zander we can begin our meeting.” Alpha Marvin said with a smug smile.

“We will be joining you sir.” I stated as I rose from my seat, grabbing my laptop bag, Jax doing the same.

“Oh. No. You can finish your breakfast, and join us when you are done. Bianca will keep you company.” Alpha Marvin offered.

“No thank you. I’m quite finished.” I responded, biting back a gag as the eggs were under cooked.

“Is the food not to your liking? I can have the Omegas make you something else if you want.”

“That’s quite alright. I am not a big breakfast eater.” I responded, and caught Jax raise an eyebrow at me. “…um….alright. Come along them.”

We followed Alpha Marvin out of the dining room, and up the stairs to his office.

“We need to read every single line of that alliance agreement. Fine print included.” I said to my dad, Dimitri, and Jax through the party mind link.

“What is going on Rowen?” Dimitri responded.

“Bianca, and Alpha Marvin are way to eager for me to spend time alone with her. Things she said on our way to the dining room didn’t sit well with me either.” I responded.

“What do you think they are up to?”

“I don’t want to say anything yet. I want to wait to see how this plays out, but we need to make sure that agreement is complete above board.”

agreed, and

looked almost like a throne. Everything about the office screamed arrogance, and over inflated ego. It was becoming more, and more clear where money was being spent based on what I had seen of the pack house

alliance between us will look like.” Alpha

to discuss the deficits in the trade agreement first.” My father

can come back to

our alliance agreement so we will

is the problem?” Alpha Marvin growled as he sat forward

goods, as well as financial support have increased to

cedar grove ended up with a pest invasion that damaged a good many of our trees. We’re unable to produce

Has the situation

correct. I forwarded the information to Jax, and focused back in on the conversation at hand. We all spent the next several hours reviewing the concerns my dad had, as well as making suggestions

shot down, or made excuses for why they would not work. A suggestion from me he flat out ignored which irritated me. My father didn’t appreciate it much either. He made that clear more than once, Alpha Marvin was quick to brush my father’s concern off with everything else. By lunch time all of us were pretty frustrated.

I’m sure that will be more enjoyable than listening to old men arguing.” Alpha Marvin suggested

you sir.” I declined

really do believe you two should spend sometime getting to know each other. I

the offer, I am

I today’s meeting going to go. He was going to be seriously disappointed, but I wanted to wait for him to bring it

getting sick


to think the

to bring us lunch. We’ll finish this after we eat.” Alpha

cedar tree grove with

Marvin snapped,

relationship with Dark Moon pack, and they have an extensive lab. Depending on the type of parasite, they may have a repellent

that won’t

take him sir. Maybe there is something we have no thought of to correct the issue. Come with me Beta Dimitri.” Beta Zander stated,

left several Omegas entered the room with a cart of basic sandwiches, and waters. We ate in silence as I started to read through the original alliance contract. I wanted to make sure I

an over harvesting issue.” Dimitri stated through the party link. “What do you

he took over for his father about fifteen years ago. He was told repeatedly that he needed to

would not last another two years if they did not. He let them plant the cheapest thing they could find. He has also done nothing to find another viable option for trade or financial stability. Also, Beta Zander is NOT Alpha Marvin’s Beta. He was the Beta of Alpha Marvin’s father. He only

wasting our time with this? What does he

tricks Marvin has up his sleeve, but Marvin seems to think we will have no problem supporting this pack financially

responsibility. We will not take that over for him because he was

carefully. He said he has a feeling there is something in there that will ensure we do just that. He’s not sure what,

“Thank you Dimi.”

“You’re welcome Joe.”

and gave us a sly smile. “Since we cannot seem to come to a mutual decision on the trade agreement why don’t we move on

now, but we will be returning to the trade agreement before the end

course.” Alpha Marvin waved

alliance agreement pulled up here. We can review

to sign the new agreement on the doted line, and we’ll move forward with it. All arrangements have already

handed it to me. It was simply the final paragraph of any agreement stating all parties

to the agreement I wish to read

some wording changes to more modern times.” Alpha Marvin stated casually,


alliance is ended, along with the trade. agreement. That means we will no longer be sending you any goods, nor

you speak to me in such

without first addressing their rank. Your daughter has done so with my son, and Beta Jax from the moment we arrived. You have repeatedly attempted to push that she-wolf on my son since we arrived. To add to the insults issued to us

you will find yourself with one less source of income, and one less very large ally, which you very much need. I will also be sure to make other packs aware of what has occurred here.” My

speak to me in such

you. Now hand over the

like a child who received a dressing down from a parent. My father opened the folder after taking my laptop from me, and began to read. At

the folder shut, and handed it to me. He looked to me with hard

or mate they must choose a mate from Cedar Grove, even if the mate was not fated. He followed this with a clause that Moonlight pack would split their income with Cedar Grove, no matter where the income came from, with no obligation to Cedar Grove to ever become financially stable on their own, or to add to the income they expected us to provide. This was followed with another clause. about us adding our own teachers to their school system. Again teachers who did not have families were required to choose a mate from Cedar

to any of

My father growled, glaring

demands for more population, and choosing mates in theirs. None of it made much sense to me, until I read the last requirement.

agree to this, now or ever!” I growled as Jax took the paper from me to

want to maintain this alliance you will do exactly what that says.” Alpha Marvin stated

your hand here sir. You need us

is true. You can’t get building supplies like what we

not supply our own. Our trade agreement was only ever established to help your pack, not


by comparison. We supply a much larger amount of our supplies for ourselves than we take in from

WILL do what is on

will NOT! I will NOT take your daughter as my chosen mate. Now or

mate so what’s the big deal? She is

surpass any training your

of the typical pairings between Alphas, and Omegas. They are weak. My daughter will make a much better mate, and serve you well as a

with your beliefs, and neither does any one else I know. I will not be taking your daughter as my chosen mate. Nor will we be bowing to your demands. You can either accept the agreement as

that authority. Only your Alpha does. Joe, make him see reason. This is mutually beneficial for us both. Surely you can see that. Your son would

it is meant

full authority to make decisions in this, and all meetings. I stand behind his decision to take his fated mate, whole heartedly. I would have it no other way. As for the agreements. You have only tonight to think this over carefully. If you insist on pushing

do that.” Alpha Marvin

agree there. is no agreement at all. Think it over as what my son said is correct. You

followed him out. I had just shut the door behind me when Bianca came bouncing up to me in another too tight, too small dress, only this time it was blue. She attempted to throw herself at me, but I moved away from her quickly. She barely managed to stay

This time tomorrow we’ll be headed back to Moonlight pack, and I will take my

your father.” I

our car. I quickly turned when I

sorry about what

to apologize for his actions. He did act alone, correct?” My father

much so. Had I known he was going to do that I

That’s good to know.”

requests, considering what just happened with Marvin, but I am

make no promises

“I understand.”

“What are your requests?”

are to please make them aware of what happened here today, and what games he is playing. The second

I had planned to do already. Along with notifying all Alphas of what he is up to. They should be prepared if he reaches out to

time, but due to Marvin’s, um, hatred of those not like him, I have had to keep my mate hidden. I hate it, and it is not fair to my mate. I am also beyond the age of retirement. I am requesting acceptance into Moonlight pack for myself, and




has always wanted to own his own bakery. I would handle the paperwork side of

bakery. Her only son is a warrior, and has no desire to keep it running.” Dimitri said

paperwork filled out, and emailed to me by the end of this weekend. I will review them, and get back to you on

you so much sir. It means a lot that you would even consider me.” Beta

you appear to be a loyal pack member, but this situation is a bit different. You were looking out for the best

everything to you as

house I had finally calmed down from our earlier meeting. Jax, and I were headed to my room when I noticed something a bit off. Blake was not at his post. We had decided not to take warriors with us for dinner as we were capable of protecting ourselves. With a

with wolf sight being what it was, I could see just fine. It wasn’t hard to spot a naked Bianca in the middle of the bed, fully naked, and

roared, causing Bianca

her wrist, and pushed her back before she could touch me. No way did I want her scent on me

jumpstart on the fun


not be mated tomorrow, or any day for that matter.” I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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