Chapter 21
Alessia’s POV
I’ve started coming out of my room more often. Mostly to chat away with Scarlett, play with Lucy and the other kids, or simply to grab a quick snack from the kitchen.
Today happens to be one of those days where I’m simply grabbing something from the kitchen.
I reach up for the cupboard where the snacks such as Doritos and chips are kept. With a frustrated groan, I
in search of the stool I normally used to grab the snacks. Why they put them so high up was far beyond me. Do they think everyone was just naturally that tall?
I drag the chair over and climb onto it, using it to open the cupboard and bring out the Doritos bag that had brought me out of my room in the first place.
With a smile, I proceed to demount from the stool when the legs start wiggling. My eyes widen as I realize what is going to happen next.
I clutch the Doritos to my chest as a form of support and brace myself for the impact which doesn’t come.
“Are you ok up there?” A voice calls out from below me.

I look down to find bright blue eyes tw in k l i n g up at me with concern ingrained in them.
The stranger got hold of the unstable chair and saved me from a painful fall. I quickly hop down from the death contraption and smile at the person who saved my a s s.
“Thank you,” I say. Then since this is the first time I’m meeting him- not including the few times that I’ve
hand passed him in the hallway or sat across him at the dining table- I introduce myself, stretching out my for a handshake before I can stop myself. “I’m Alessia,” I inform even though I’m sure he probably already heard about me from the rumors mill flying all around the pack house. Not trying to brag or anything but I’m the talk of the pack.
He smiles, looking down at my hand and accepting it. “I’m Jake. I’m a warrior of the pack,” he introduces, holding my hand for a while longer than socially appropriate.
I awkwardly pull my hand from his and shift on my foot, looking for a proper way out to head back to my
“I and some other friends are playing some games in case you want to join us.” He ends his request with a shrug letting me know that the choice is up to me, and that he wouldn’t mind if I choose to escape to my
I look at the place he gestured to and find a crowd of people, most of them my age and some looking older. They’re all surrounding a table and playing what looks to be a card of game with alcohol at the side. I know wolves didn’t get drunk so the alcohol was probably just there for fun.
I chew on my bottom lip, conflicted on what to choose. Finally, I look back at Jake who’s still standing
Chapter 21
patiently and waiting for my answer.
95% 11:25
“Yes, I’d love to join you guys, I offer. “Though I’m not really good at cards. I grimace at the end of my words. That was an understatement. I sucked terribly at cards.
He chuckles, heading for the fridge. “It’s ok. It is not a serious game. We’re just trying to while away time.” he explains, pulling out a beer from the fridge and I breathe a sigh of relief. “You could just come sit with us and watch”
I could do that. It doesn’t seem like a big deal so I nod and follow him to the table where everyone is huddled together.
“Guys, this Alessia, Jake announces, gesturing to me. “She’s joining us.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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