Chapter 33
Caden’s POV
83% 12:31
I see Alessia’s decision in her eyes before she opens her mouth to voice it out.
“Ok,” she whispers. Then her head rises to meet mine. “How long does it last?”
“A week. Could be more.” Most of the people that I know who have found their mate are mated and have
marked each other before the first heat can come. A heat is basically nature’s way of telling you that you
have to fasten the pace.

For mates who reject each other, the heat doesn’t come around but since Alessia and I have neither done the first nor the latter, nature has decided to take things into its hands.
I don’t want to tell Alessia that us rejecting each other may just be an option to put her out of her misery. Mostly, because I’m not sure if the heat will stop after the rejection and also because…I’m not ready for the rejection.
Ah! Yes, I know I’m being a selfish a s s by making Alessia go through this pain but I’m going to make sure I ease her pain in any way that I can.
Alessia’s rumbling stomach breaks the silence and I chuckle as she flushes bright red. That o r g a s m must have really taken something out of her.
I stand up and make my way over to the door, turning around just when I have my hand on the doorknob. “I’m going to find something for us to eat in the kitchen. I always have the kitchen stocked up with snacks if not food stuff. In the case of neither of them being available, I can always ask Alex or Raphael to run over here with something. “You can have a bit more rest. I’ll call you once I’ve whipped something up.”
Just as I expect the fridge is fully stocked with foodstuffs. The kinds that don’t perish. So, I don’t have much to work with but I manage to find the ingredients needed for a quick pot of spaghetti.
1 hurry up with the food, not wanting Alessia to have another wave of heat before she has the chance to get something in her stomach.
As I chop the vegetable, I gaze out the open window, admiring the wide expanses of trees surrounding the house. The house that I got as soon as I laid eyes on it.
Ever since the number of members occupying the pack house increased drastically, more houses have been built for mates who wish to move out of the pack house and into a home of their own.
This particular house is set back from all the other houses and hidden behind several tall trees. The view was what sold it to me and I knew that I had to have it even though I had no plans for it. It later transformed into my hideaway, a place where I run to when I need a moment to unwind without the duties of being an Alpha of a pack weighing on me. Those times have since increased in the past few years and I’ve taken to making sure that the house always has the necessary necessities available.
I boil the spaghetti and mix it in with the sauce. Then I set the table and head back into the room to call
* UZ N
Chapter 33
for Alessia where I find her snuggled into the blanket on the bed. For some reason, a smile makes its way to my lips which I quickly wipe away in place of an indifferent expression.
Keeping the expression in place, I head for the bed and nug Alessia a bit. “Wake up. I’ve made something for us to eat.” I slowly pull away the blanket from her body. Big Mistake.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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