Chapter 37
Alessia’s POV
I walk over to the space beside him, making sure to still keep a bit of distance between us. I can’t believe that I did what I did this morning.
In fact, I can’t believe what I’ve been doing since this blaster heat started. It’s like someone takes over my body whenever another heat wave starts and then I’m left marveling over what I’ve done when it’s over.
I peek over at Caden through the corner of my eye to see him chopping the vegetables with impeccable
Most of what I perceived from Caden has been proven wrong in the few days that we’ve been locked in together.
I for one never thought of him as someone to go out of his way to help someone who he doesn’t like. Though he hasn’t outright told me that he doesn’t like me but he also hasn’t implied otherwise.
My gaze shift to his arm wielding the knife and cutting the vegetables with a precession that I could never hope to achieve.
This entire scene seems almost domesticated in a way; me prepping the necessary ingredients for the food and Caden cutting the vegetables. It almost seems like we were pulled out of a magazine for healthy living lives of couples.
A snort escapes me at the thought of Caden being on the front page of a magazine and giving a quote about how he made his marriage life work for him.
Caden gaze goes to me and he arches an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?” His hand slows down as he turns his attention to me.

I pause like a deer caught in the headlight. “Uhm…” I drag out as Caden co c k s his head to the side. “I just thought of a funny joke in my head.” The white lie flies out of my mouth easily but I don’t think Caden buys it because his eyes narrow at me before turning back to the vegetable.
I hold in a sigh of relief and focus on the task assigned to me. The rest of the cooking is spent in a comfortable silence as Caden and I work as a team.
When the food has been made, Caden and I dish our portions onto plates and make our way to the adjoined dining table.
I sit in my previous spot from yesterday and Caden sits opposite me like he also did yesterday.
“Thanks for helping me out and making dinner and-” A pause. “Thanks for everything.” I know that I’ve thanked him a few times but he keeps doing these things that make me feel indebted to him. I can’t do anything but display my appreciation though.
“You don’t have to keep thanking me,” Caden says sternly, leveling me with a reprimanding look. “I’m part
Chapter 37
of the reason why you’re going through this right now and it’s my duty to help you out.”
8% 12:32
His duty? Is that what he sees it as? A duty that he has no other choice but to fulfill? I have to admit that it does seem like I’m the only one getting anything out of our deal and the other day when I offered to help. Caden had immediately shut it down.
My mind goes over to yesterday and I quickly pick up the glass of water on the table beside my plate and use it as a shield to hide the blush on my face.
It didn’t look like a duty to him when he took his c o c k into his hand and made himself come.
My legs squeeze together as the memory of what I did enters my head. I acted like a harlot without any self-control but I can’t blame myself. Caden looked so perfect with his body stretched out on the bed and his c o c k in his hand.
I squeeze my eyes and press my lips together to stop a moan from escaping. I open them up to find Caden’s attention has shifted from his plate of food to me.
“Are you having another heat wave?” Caden asks as the black in his eyes widens. His nostrils flare as his cutlery hits his plate. “I can smell you.”-
Oh G o d, someone should just kill me right now and save me from this nightmare.
Do I lie to save face and make him believe his assumption?
“No,” I whisper. “I-I was just…” With my eyes, I beg him to put me out of my misery.
He doesn’t. Instead, he leans back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest as a smirk settles on his lips. “You were just?” The smirk on his face transforms into a breathtaking smile as his eyes shine in
“I’m done with my dinner.” I rush out, standing up abruptly and nearly falling my chair to the ground.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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