Chapter 40
Alessia’s POV
“You need to be quicker than that,” Caden says as he turns his head to the side, missing the punch I throw at him.
1 grit my teeth, holding back a groan and trying again with a jab to his right side which he easily dodges
with ease.
The next punch I throw lands on his shoulder and I stop myself in time from doing a victory lap around
the room.
Caden nods at me in approval. “You’re getting better,” he says and then out of nowhere he twists my right arm to my back and presses my body flush against his. “but you have to be sharper and concentrate on your surroundings. Don’t take your eyes off your opponent just because you landed a punch on them.”
Did I mention that we are having this practice naked in the bedroom? Somehow, between the f u c k i n g and o r g a s m s, Caden decided that it’s been long since I had a practice with him.

So, here we are in the middle of the bedroom, naked as the day we came into this world and trying to win against the other.
I breathe out harshly, praying that he doesn’t notice the changes in my body. I can’t be blamed for them though. Try having a hot guy pressed against you and see how well you’ll fare…
“What are you thinking about?” Caden whispers into my ear, his lips so close to my neck that I feel his breath on it, making the hair there stand on end. He traces the back of my neck with the bridge of his neck. “I’m over here trying to teach you some fighting skills and you’re too busy daydreaming.”
My hope of him not noticing flies out the window and crashes into the ground into pieces. He definitely noticed.
“What am I going to do with you?” He takes my earlobe into his teeth and bites on it.
I moan before I can help it, my legs squeeze tight, trying to create some friction to help release the tension
within me.
It was less than an hour ago that I had the last heat wave so it’s too soon for artother one to occur. It will take a few hours for the next one to come by. Will I have to wait until then before I can have Caden’s hands on me again? Will I be able to survive until then?
Caden releases my hand pinned between us and pulls away from me. I mourn the absence of his touch but then, he’ll pull me back into his hold and cover my lips with his.
My gasp of surprise is swallowed in the kiss. This is the first time that Caden has touched me without a heat wave in sight. What does that mean?
I quickly wrap my hands around his neck and pull him closer, not wanting to jinx this change of fate. I’m
Chapter 40
not about to second guess Caden touching me like I so badly need.
BURN 12:32
Caden’s tongue slides into my mouth, twirling around my tongue in a fight for dominance. Which he casily wins. Not that I give a dam n. I’ll gladly lose many kissing battles if it means that he’ll keep kissing me in this way. Like he can’t get enough of my mouth. Like he needs his lips on mine as much as he needs his next breath.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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