Chapter 70
Alessia’s POV
“No, Lucy. You can’t have that yet. It’s still hot,” I tell Lucy as she tries to sneakily reach for the plate of cookies on the table. Like I didn’t hear her heavy footsteps. She grumbles and stumps her feet, bringing a soft smile to my face.
Another day of no training and like always, I choose to spend it with the pack kids. The kids are playing outdoors while I’m seated on the patio and lazing on a soft ottoman, and making an impression of watching the kids. A very lousy impression by the way. Currently, a kid named Vince has managed to swallow two bugs and Hensley and Ophelia have each other in a tight jaw lock. Not the mention the fact that Lucy is trying to sneak a cookie into her mouth. Again.
Oh well, I can’t possibly save them all. Sometimes, kids just have to learn things the hard way. I smile as Lucy yelps and blows at her open mouth that has a hot cookie in it. Exactly as I said. Kids just have to learn the hard way.
I sigh,
Ignoring her cries and reaching for the glass of soft drink that’s on a table beside me. I take a sip. sighing as the cool liquid slides down my throat, making my muscles relax.
A shadow appears by the corner of my
huge grin on her face. “I’ve finally go I lift my head and find Theresa looking down at me with a

Oh no.
all alone without my Grandson acting as your bodyguard.”
Recently, Theresa has been showing up more often under the guise of playing with her granddaughter because her time left on Earth isn’t that long. This is coming from someone that I once saw lifting a couch all on her own to get a biscuit that slid under it..
We all know why she has been coming. Caden especially, and he has always made sure to be present whenever she was around. Except today.
I gulp as she settles into the other ottoman beside mine. I reach for my drink again, downing it all at once for some ment a l strength. I’m going to be needing a whole lot of that to get through this conversation.
“So, where are you from?” She asks, going straight for the kill. A trait that I would normally admire in a person but today, I just wish that she would have the little talks first. I would definitely love to talk about how bright and sunny the weather is. I most especially wouldn’t mind if she decided to talk about what she had for breakfast this morning. Any of those topics will be better than the one that we’re about to have..
“I’m from around here. Just outside the pack boulders,” I answer, praying she won’t dig deeper into my answers. But of course, my prayers never get answered.
“Any pack that I know of? And what of your parents? When are they going to introduce themselves to me?” She asks innocently and I balk. I know she means well but I really wish that she wouldn’t push me on this. “What’s wrong, Dear?” She asks, probably noticing the look on my face and my very obvious mood change.
Chapter 70
81% 11:37
Her face falls. “I’m sorry if I’m being nosy. I just want to know more about you….but it’s alright if you would rather be left alone.”
She makes a move to stand up from her seat and I stop her with a hand on her hand. “My Mother passed away and I don’t really know much about my father. Sadly, they aren’t going to be able to visit any time soon. I try to pass it off as a joke by smiling at her as I shrug my shoulders.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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