Chapter 72
Caden’s POV
No matter how hard I try not to think about it, her words keep ringing in my head. What did she mean by she hopes I will understand before it’s too late and what the hell did she mean when she told me not to hurt myself or Alessia?
I groan, clutching my head in my palm. I know she said all that just to f u k with my head. The bad part that even though I know that was her aim, I’m still falling for it. Dinner is over and instead of heading to my room for the night, I’m locked up in my office and trying to fool myself into doing some work.
I groan aloud as her words echo in the head again. Enough of this.
I push out of my desk, standing up from the soft c u s h i o n e d chair that is just starting to become uncomfortable and head for my door.
I’m moving before I even register where I’m heading to.
Pausing just outside her door, I strain my ears for any sound that suggests she’s still awake by this ungodly hour of the day. Nothing. I hear absolutely nothing. I sigh, ready to turn around and head back to my room where I’m planning to force my brain to quiet down. I stop in my steps when I hear it. It is the sound of running water.
She’s in the shower. Naked and wet.
My coc k immediately reacts to that image, swelling up in my shorts like I’m a teenage boy who just got his first look at some porn. I may have been embarrassed if I wasn’t already reaching for the doorknob and pushing the door open.

Unlocked. She leaves her door unlocked while she’s in the shower.
White hot rage licks at my spine. Doesn’t she know how dangerous that is?
I’m not trying to say I don’t trust the people living in my pack house, but what if she goes into heat again. with the door unlocked? Anyone will be able to get in and harm her.
I grit my teeth, my hand tightening around the doorknob until I hear a c r a c k. I look down at the damage caused and sigh loudly. Great, now I have a door to fix. Maybe when I’m having it fixed, I’ll add a bolt to the door. It won’t really stand against a werewolf’s super strength but it’ll add a layer of pretense security.
Walking into the room, I close the door behind me. It doesn’t really shut properly because my big a s s had to go and spoil it. I m e n t al l y make a note again to get it fixed tomorrow morning. Another thing to squeeze into my already tight schedule.
The shower shuts off and I contemplate if standing in her room like a weirdo when she comes out is a good idea. She could scream and frankly, I wouldn’t blame her. I’m acting like a creep and a stalker and just as I finally decide to scramble out of her room, she steps out and finds me standing in the same spot like a deer caught in the headlights.
Chapter 72
81% 11:38
She pauses, her hand holding her towel to her chest. Just one little slip and that unless the garment will be on the floor.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, tightening her hand on the knot as though she can somehow hear my depraved thoughts.
I clear my throat, throwing on a false sense of bravado as I walk further into the room and closer to her. “You’re my lover, aren’t you?” I reach for her cheeks, grazing it with the back of my palm. “I’ve come to take my due.”
I know I’m making it out to sound like what we’re doing is cheap but the way her eyes flare and darken, has me wanting to just throw her onto that bug bed behind her.
I close my eyes against the image in order not to do anything irrational. Like pulling that ugly towel away from her body.
She opens her mouth, probably to tell me off but then closes it. She chews on her bottom lips, her eyes flickering everywhere but at me.
What is getting her so worked up?
That question dies as he towel comes off. Her fingers slip away from the knot and the towel falls around. her feet in a heap..
Shocked, I let my gaze trail back up her naked body from her slender thighs, up to that neat patch of black curl, and past her generous set of gorgeous breasts.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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