Chapter 75
Alessia’s POV
“I think we should put an end to this.”
Those words keep echoing in my head even after Caden left the room, leaving me naked and alone.
I just don’t get it. Everything was fine. Well, as fine as it could be. We had an agreement and then out of the blue, Caden said he wanted us to end things. What brought that on?
I sigh, begging my mind to shut down. I’m tired of going back and forth with Caden who keeps acting like a man-child. One minute, he’s calling me his lover and calling off my rejection, and then in the next second, he’s pulling away and saying that we should put an end to what we’re doing.
Ahhh! He’s so insufferable.
I just wish that he’d stop playing with my head and just give it to me straight.
That’s it!
I’m going to his office right this instant to demand that he explain his behaviors to me. Why does he keep running hot and cold? Why does he keep pulling me towards him and then pushing me away? Whatever the reason is, it ends today.
I power walk up the stairs and towards his office. We just had dinner and I know his office is the place he retires to. If he isn’t in there, then I’ll try his room next.

As my footsteps inch closer to his door, I get a whiff of his scent, letting me know that he’s in there. I pause when I get to the front of the door as another scent assaults my nostrils. Veronica’s scent.
What is she doing in there?’ Zuri growls, itching to come up to the surface and gouge Veronica’s beautiful eyes out of her skull.
As much as I love the images she presents to me, I force her down. Her rushing in and tearing Veronica’s head off her shoulders isn’t going to get us anywhere.
I stand in front of the door, doing what I can only refer to as eavesdropping. But can you blame me? The woman who is obsessed with my mate is in a closed room alone with him and I need to know what they’re talking about.
“Thank you for coming to me with this information,” Caden says, sounding closer than he ought to be if he was sitting behind his desk.
The reason for that comes when Veronica talks, sounding even closer than Caden did.
Turning on my heels, I race to the corner, pressing my back against the wall, keeping me just out of sight. If they should head this way then I’ll be very screwed but I really want to know why she’s in the room with him.
Chapter 75
81% 11:38
I relax when I don’t hear their footsteps heading my way and finally get the courage to peep around the corner and see what they’re doing.
Veronica is outside the room and Caden is leaning on the wooden frame with his hand resting on the opened door, keeping it open.
“If you have any more information, feel free to come see me again.”
Caden is displaying a rare kindness that I hardly ever see shown to a
Why is it directed at her? I smolder with jealousy when I see him grace her with a sweet smile. Something that is hardly even given to me.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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