Chapter 94
Alessia’s POV
It’s been two days since it happened and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Jake is gone.
It had been like every other day that we shared together. I had walked to his room with a pile of movies and junk food. We had watched the movie together and Jake had kept on interrupting the movie like he usually did just like every other day. Except when he fell asleep and I covered him with the duvet, I lowered my head to kiss him like I always do when I notice something very
The pain that was usually visible on his face even while he was fast asleep wasn’t present. His face looked still and before. That’s because he wasn’t breathing.
After dragging the pack doctor to the house and forcing him to revive Jake and then yelling at him when he failed to do so, I had crumbled beside his bed and wept for G o d only knows how long.
He passed away in his sleep with me right beside him and I couldn’t do anything. I know my reasoning is flawed because even if I had noticed what was happening, there was nothing that I could have done but I can’t help but feel like I’ve failed him in some kind of way.
A knock lands on my door and ignore it like I’ve been doing for the past two days and bury myself
into my cover.

“Alessia,” Caden growls out, sounding more annoyed than he did an hour ago. “You have to come out of there and at least eat something. You’re going to perish if you keep acting this way.”
Groaning, I bury myself deeper under my cover, trying to hide away from his loud voice. All I want to do is stay in my room and cry all day. Is that so hard for him to understand?
He keeps knocking unrelenting and I push the cover away from my body with a groan. “Leave me alone, Caden!” I’m five seconds away from opening that door and letting him have a piece of my mind. But opening that door will just give him what he wants so I cover myself back up and keep on ignoring his attempts at getting me to open my door.
There’s silence and I sigh in relief, closing my eyes and getting ready for another round of sleeping. Who needs food when one can just cry and sleep all day long? Not me.
Just as I feel myself drifting away, I hear the sound of keys j i g g l i n g and my ears perk up at the sound of my door opening. I bolt out of my bed but it’s already too late as Caden opens my door and walks into the room, tarnishing my sanctuary with his presence.
Gritting my teeth in anger, I match towards the brute and poke him in the center of his chest. “What are you doing in my room? I clearly told you that I want to be left alone?”
Caden simply ignores me and walks around me to my window. He drags back the blinds and I
Chapter 94
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whine, shutting my eyes as the light hits me hard. My room which has been dark for two days straight now has light streaming in, adding to the anger inside of me.
“Do you know that this is an invasion of privacy?” I almost laugh once the words leave my mouth. I’m pretty sure that there’s no room in the pack house that’s out of bounds for him. He could just waltz into any room he desires without any penalty but this is my room and he’s dam n well going to respect my privacy. “I’m talking to you,” I say when he keeps mute and leaves me screaming like a hormonal teenager.
He finally turns his gaze in my direction, his eyes trailing up and down my body and leaving me feeling self-conscious. “This has to stop. You’ve had your moment to grieve but I’m not going to put up with you locking yourself in this room. That ends towards.
The lid on my anger flies off. “Who do the hell do you think you are to talk to me in that manner?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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