Chapter 85

Caden’s POV

I walk in and close the door behind me, my gaze locked on the figure on the bed. The man who birthed my second chance mate and the only man who can put an end to all this without it resulting in a war.

Walking towards the bed, I aim for the chair beside it. As I approach the bed with a mahogany frame, I finally manage to make out the features of the man on the bed.

I’ve come across Alpha Thomas a few times in the various meetings that all Alpha and Beta are forced to attend. We have even spoken to each other a few times, not that I can remember any of those encounters, but he had always come across to me as a strong and structured man.

That man lying on the bed is anything but that. His frail bones are protruding out even from under the thick blanket that’s used to cover his frame. His eyes are ghostly and rimmed with a dark eye bags, giving him a sickly look. It’s hard to believe that he’s the same person that I’ve nodded across the room several times before.

It takes him longer than it should to realize that I’m approaching his bed and when he does, he tries to sit

and fails, collapsing back on the bed with a soft cry.


I rush over to his side and place a gentle hand on his shoulder, lowering him back down on his pillow. “Don’t try to get up.” I know he feels insulted by my assistance but I not going to let him carelessly hurt himself because he’s trying to protect his pride.

bed, giving him some grace to save whatever dignity he can. “And I’m not going to be lying down on a bed

otherwise empty room as he struggles to sit up in his bed. I finally turn my gaze back to him when he presses his back against the

that small movement

sigh, his eyebrows squeeze together as he tries to conceal the

didn’t speak the truth. He’s far worse off than anyone could

to visit my humble home at this time of the

I tell him, shifting out of my seat and closer

warm smile thai seems to be at constant on his face. “What is there to talk about? The pack doctor has predicted that by

state that he was in helped me confirm that fact as soon as I walked into the room. There’s nothing to be done. The venom has probably infected every


Chapter 85





you considered that someone close to you may be the cause of it?” I ask, treading lightly on this road that I’ve chosen to walk on. I don’t know how deep Alpha Tho m a s ‘s relationship is with his Beta so I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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