Chapter 96
Alessia’s POV
Day two of me having dinner in the dining room and I have to say that it isn’t all that bad. As long as I can ignore the stares and whispers that follow me everywhere I go.
The fact that Caden and Raphael are still sitting on either side of me isn’t helping the rumors to die down and by this time, I’ve actually given up.
Let people say whatever it is they want. I’m done with trying to keep things on the low to pacify them. They should come up with whatever tale it is that they desire.
Caden and Raphael have been sharing suspicious gazes with each other and it’s hard to not notice it when they sitting down on either side of me or when they don’t even bother to hide it.
Tired of the secrecy, I groan out loud, drawing their attention.
“Is anyone of you going to tell me what this is about?” I ask exasperatedly, knowing that it’s something that concerns me because I’m very sure that I heard Raphael whispering, “Tell her.’ to Caden.
I wouldn’t even call it a whisper because I’m sure that the people on the other side of the table also heard it. He has a lousy whispering voice that he definitely needs to work on.
Caden shoots a glare at Raphael before turning to face me. “I have something that I wanted to ask

I arch a brow in question when he suddenly goes quiet. I’m not a mind reader. I’m going to need him to actually voice out this question.
“I’ll tell you about it after dinner,” he finally says and Raphael groans, dropping his head on the table, causing half the people in the room to turn in our direction. This time he gets a glare from both Caden and me and has the nerve to smile sheepishly at us before muttering an apology under his breath.
I roll my eyes, turning my attention back on the plate and suddenly losing my appetite. All I can think about is what question Caden wants to ask him that has him looking unsure of himself.
Picking at the food on my plate, I push it around, ready to end dinner, and find out what it’s that Caden has to ask.
“Aren’t you hungry? Do you not like the food that was served?” Caden asks, worry evident on his face. “I can have the chef make another meal for you if it’s not up to your liking.”
“No,” I rush out, blushing when a few people glance our way at my outburst. “Don’t do anything like that,” I beg, this time in a much softer voice. I’ll legit kill myself if Caden goes to bother Mrs Smith
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Chapter 96
all because of me. It will be a fate far worse than that. “The food is perfect.” I make a show of shoving a fork full of the food into my mouth and smiling around a mouthful.
Caden smiles back but doesn’t look completely convinced. He spends half of his dinner by throwing glances my way.
It’s something that he just recently started doing. He always looks at me as though he’s waiting for something to happen. I’m not stup i d enough that I can’t piece the puzzle together.
This watching started after Jake’s death. Caden probably thinks that I’m going to do something stupi d. I appreciate his concern but I sometimes wish that he wouldn’t watch me like I’m a dynamite that is about to explode at any moment.
With him watching me like a hawk, I cat the food on my plate, forcing the food that I don’t have an appetite for down my throat just so that he doesn’t actually seek out poor Mrs Smith and have her make another dinner for me.
I sigh happily as I place the last piece of broccoli in my mouth, chew on it, and wash it down with the glass of water beside my plate.
Half of the people in the dining room had cleared away their plates and that’s when I realized that I spent more than half an hour on my plate.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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