Chapter 103
Caden’s POV
I’ve been awake for the past half hour and I’ve spent all that time studying my mate’s face.
The pain that’s usually etched on it when she’s sleeping is now gone. A result of her healed injuries.
A soft smile graces her lips like she’s having a sweet dream and I suddenly wish that werewolves also possess telepathic skills. Does it make me conceited if I assume that I’m the reason she’s having such a peaceful sleep?
If that smile isn’t caused by the fact that we had another round a few hours ago, then it will definitely be because of the sixty-nine we had a couple of minutes back.
Alessia is insatiable and I’m more than happy to take care of her needs. Her heat is over but that doesn’t mean that we
can’t keep having these stolen moments together.
Her eyes flutter open, her amber eyes shining brightly. They flick to the window behind me and widen in surprise, effectively shattering the moment.
She jerks up on the bed. “We missed dinner!” She groans, falling back on the bed and dragging her hands down her face.
This performance can’t simply be because we missed dinner. “It’s ok,” I say anyway, gripping her hand and pulling it away from her face. It’s a crime to keep such a beautiful face hidden. “I’m sure that there’s some leftovers in the fridge. I’ll go down later and get something for us to eat.”
“It’s not that.” She sits up straight and I’m having a hard time concentrating as my eyes slide down to her breasts which are bouncing from all the movement.

“Then what is the issue?” I force myself to keep my gaze above her neck.
“We both didn’t show up for dinner and I’m sure they know that we didn’t step out of the pack house. Everyone is going to
know what we’ve been doing,” she ends with another groan.
So that’s where her predicament is coming from. I’m too much of a gentleman to tell her that the entire pack house probably heard her screaming my name. Countless times.
“Is that such a bad thing?” The words are out before I can rethink them.
“What?” She asks, finally turning her focus on me.
“Is that such a bad thing?” I repeat, taking hold of her hand again. “I honestly don’t care if my pack members find out that
we’re mated.”
Her brows shoot up.
I continue. “In fact, I haven’t cared about them for a long while.” A pause. “Move in with me. My pack members and the
rumors can go to hell for all I care.”


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Her mouth drops and her eyes saucer-shaped. “Move it with you?” She echoes in disbelief.
“Yes,” I answer, smiling softly to ease her nerves because it’s clear to anyone that she’s freaking out of her mind. “We would be spending every night together. A lot of chances to do a lot of things.” I make sure my voice is dripping with innuendo. There’s no way for her to miss what I’m implying.
My hands slide up her arm and I can barely keep my smirk concealed as she shivers. The effect I have on her might just
work in my favor.
“What do you say?” Cupping her face, I caress her cheek with my thumb, stopping at the edge of her lips and tracing that pouty mouth. G o d, the things that mouth has done to me.
As if on cue, my c oc k stiffens under the cover, begging to join in on the action. Alessia just needs to accept my offer and then we can move on to other fun things. Things that will leave both of us very worn out but also sated. All she has to do is
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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