Chapter 114
A Month later
Alessia’s POV
He’s gone.
I didn’t spend enough time with him. Not as much as I had wanted to.
There are so many things that we never got the chance to do or talk about.
Should I have stayed with him for longer hours or maybe even moved in with him so that I could have taken better care of him? Would he still be around if I did all that?
I take in a shaky breath, my head buried into my pillow, staining the linen with my tears. Tears that don’t stop rolling down my cheeks in fat waves.
Dear G o d, it hurts. It hurts so f ck i n g much. It feels like there’s an anvil placed on my heart, crushing it and making each breath that comes out of me more painful than the next. Soon, I’m gasping for air and choking on a s .
How many more people am I going to have to lose before I can obtain happiness? First my mother. Then Jake and now my father
who I barely got the chance to know. Who is going to be next on the list?
A soft knock on the door pulls me out of my self-pitying party. “Alessia,” Caden calls out. “Let me in. I don’t want you to be alone at a

time like this.”
I know it’s s h i t t y but I locked Caden out of his room and turned it into my cry room. I just want to be alone. I know Caden’s intentions
are good but I don’t want any comforting right now.
All I want is to be alone, cry myself to sleep, wake up, and continue the whole process again. And Caden won’t allow me to go down
that route if I let him in.
He will want to comfort me and make me feel better, but that isn’t what I need or want.
“Alessia, please open the door.” Another soft knock. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
His words weaken my resolve and almost have me lifting from the bed to let him in. I quickly cover my head with a pillow to drown
out his pled.
I don’t know how long Caden stayed out there, begging for me to accept his comfort. Twenty minutes into his begging, I fall into a dreamless sleep, exhausted from all the crying and emotional baggage.
When I wake up, it is to the sound of footsteps and shuffling of things.
With a groan, I peel open a heavy eye and find Caden smiling at me with guilt in his eyes.
“I’m sorry I woke you up. I just wanted to leave the plate on your bedside for when you wake up.” He nods at a covered plate on the bedside table. “You missed dinner and I didn’t feel comfortable knowing that you would be going to bed on an empty stomach,” he
For the first time since I’ve known him, Caden seems unsure of himself. He keeps looking at me with concern and it’s very obvious that there are things he wants to say but he says n
The room falls into silence.

keep mute, watching him beat himself up for taking the keys and using them to bring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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