Chapter 121
Alessia’s POV
Xavier turns around too late for him to react as Jude pierces the blade into his chest.
I howl, leaping towards them, my mind intent on murder and I watch Jude push the blade deeper, causing Xavier to let out a growl laced with pain.
Jude doesn’t see me coming, too focused on draining the life out of Xavier to notice the huge brown wolf charging toward him.
I grab hold of the hand holding the knife, locking it between-my jaws and ripping it right out of his shoulder, leaving a protruding bone behind. Jude’s screams fill the battleground as I spit out his decapitated limb onto the ground.
Ignoring Jude as he cries out and clutches the place where his appendage was once present, I shift to my human form and rush over to Xavier’s side.
His wolf is slumped on the ground, not a sound coming from him. My heart slams frantically against my chest, trying to escape from its confine.
Falling to my knees beside Caden’s wolf, I hold my breath as my gaze flies over his body, looking for a sign that my greatest nightmare hasn’t become a reality.
My whole world is about to crumble before me when…he moves! Then he groans.
The breath that I’m holding rushes out of me in pants. “Caden,” I rush out, placing a hand on his fur. “I’m going to get you out of here and get you help.”
I don’t know how I plan on lifting a full-blown wolf without any assistance, but I’d much rather die than leave Caden unattended to. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the blade still lunged in his chest was laced with the same venom that killed Jake and my Dad. He needs immediate attention right this f u ck i n g moment.
Looking around at the chaos still ongoing, I try to pick out a familiar figure. Anyone at all will be appreciated. I just need a helping hand to get Caden out of this battlefield.
Thankfully, I don’t need to search for long. Alex is rushing over to our side, pushing through the bodies and

Chapter 121
kneeling once he gets to us.
His gaze moves over Xavier’s body like I did earlier. “Is he-”
“He’s alive,” I bite out, not wanting to hear the words spoken out just in case they become willed into existence.
Alex’s eyes slide shut, relief washing over his whole facade.
“He needs to see the pack doctor,” I rush out. There will be time for us to rejoice but right now, he needs to get
out of this war zone.
Alex’s eyes glaze over, the same look Caden has when he’s mind-linking someone from the pack.
My suspicion becomes proven when Rapheal rushes over with some warriors from the pack.
“We need to get him out of here,” Alex orders, lifting from the ground.
The warriors hunch down, sliding their hands beneath Caden’s wolf and lifting him off the ground. Their faces are strained from his weight but they start moving.
“Come with us,” Raphael says, placing a hand on my good shoulder. “He’s going to need you by his side.” His
eyes fall to my wounded shoulder and he grimaces. “You also need to get that checked.”
Leaving Caden alone was out of the question. I doubt the Moon goddess herself could have taken me away from
this side.
Alex walks at the front, fighting off anyone that tries to come our way and Raphael stays at the back, doing the
same as Alex.
watch as the warriors carry Xavier’s motionless body in their arms and I can’t help but feel like I should have
done something to prevent this from happening. I mean, it happened right in my f u c ki n g face and I wasn’t able to do anything to stop it. It’s a thought that will forever eat at me.
We get to the pack house and Alex holds the door open for us to pass through. Xavier is taken to our room and laid out on the bed which he dwarfs with his frame. It’s a miracle that the bed doesn’t give out from under him.
stand by his side, running my fingers through his fur and watching his chest move unevenly. That movement is the only thing that keeps me standing.

smile. “He’s going to be ok,” he states firmly and I think more to himself than me. The door opens and the pack doctor enters, s k i p pi n g through the pleasantries and heading straight for Xavier.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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