Chapter 124
Caden’s POV
After a million checkups’ and Alessia fussing over me 24/7 -I eventually grew tired of it- I’ve finally been given the green light to get out of bed rest.
I have also been given strict orders not to do any strenuous activities from both Alessia and the pack doctor. While Alex and Rapheal have been acting as my watchdogs. Those b a s t a r
s are enjoying my restrictions far too much.
I decided to use my first day out of bed to talk to the families of the warriors that didn’t make it. Over fifty of them died on that field while protecting their pack and their families. Each one of them will forever have a dear place in our hearts.
I give my condolences to them, spending ample time with each one of them and aiding to their needs. A member of their family died while protecting my pack and I’m going to make sure that they don’t have any need that isn’t met.
I speak to the last family and make my way down to the underground dungeon to tick off the last thing on my agenda.
The strong smell of burning flesh hits my nostrils as soon as I walk in and even though I’m used to the smell, I have to stop myself from gagging. My eyes fall on Jude who’s screaming his head off as Isiah slides a knife into his flesh.
It was exactly the kind of scene I expected to walk in on. According to Alex and Rapheal, Isiah has been spending day and night in this stench as he tortures Jude.
I’m pretty sure that Jude wishes Alessia had ripped off his head instead of an arm. I smile at that thought. My Alessia can be a feisty beast when she puts her mind to it. She freaking ripped off his arm right out of its socket. My mate is a f u c k i ng terminator. Too bad I was passed out on the floor and unable to witness what must have been a hot as f u c k moment.

Walking over to them, I place a palm on Isiah’s shoulder, pulling him out of his focus in craving into Jude’s stomach.
Jude slumps into his seat, a bead of precipitation on his forehead. He pants, his face scrunched up in pain as blood soaks through the t-shirt he has on. The white is now dark red but the injuries on his person are already healing up, getting ready for any round of torture.
Isiah turns around and drops the knife in his hand onto the table beside him.
“You’re finally up and back on your feet.” He smiles at me. “I’m glad your wound is healing up.”
“It still hurts like a bit c h.” As if on cue, a sharp pain slides through my chest and has me grinding down on my teeth. I shake the pain off, squaring my shoulders and breathing through it. What exactly was that venom made of? It’s a good thing that the creator of it is six feet under.
Isiah is looking at me with concern when I turn my attention back to him. “Are you ok?” He asks, his brow arching in question.
I nod and give him a tight smile, still experiencing some aftershock from the pain.
want to talk to him?” He moves to the side, giving me a clear view of Jude. “I’m not yet done with him but I can excuse myself and come back once you’re done.”
Jude’s eyes widen comically at that statement. I’m sure he would much rather spend hours with Isiah than spend a minute with me. Jokes on him because I didn’t come here to torture or hurt him.
I came here for Alessia. She has a request that she wants me to relay and I also have a little question of my own.
“Thank you. It will only take a minute.” I throw Isiah an appreciative smile as he looks back at Jude one more time before heading out of the room.
15.20 Tue, Su API
Chapter 124
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Once I hear the sound of the metal gate rattling as it shuts close, I move over to Jude, smiling as he visibly gulps. Their demeanor always changes drastically once they lose the upper hand and it’s always fun to watch it happen.
I lean back on the table in front of him, partly because I’m already feeling lightheaded. I need to get this out of the way and go back to the room where Alessia will annoyingly fuss over me.
“I have something I need you to do for me,” I tell Jude, watching as the color drains from his face. “Apologize to Alessia’s father.”
“Apologize?” He repeats dumbly, his forehead scrunching up in confusion.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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