Chapter Forty-Three

Daphne’s Point of View

I am so excited; I get to spend today with my sister. I know that we had a little of a rocky start yesterday, but I attribute some of that to the fact that she was traveling all day.

Caleb spoke with me this morning and he is going to have a guy’s day with Dorian, and Theo. This gives Scarlet and I time to go shopping, and Caleb even suggested taking her out for lunch. He is having one of his warriors drive us since I still have not learned to drive. I called Hannah and invited her to come with us, but she said that she had other plans for today. 3

I throw on some black jeans, with a light blue tank top. I finish off my look with a black and white checkered long sleeve overshirt. I like the contrast of the flowy material and the tight jeans. I finish it all off with a cute pair of Vans that Hannah insisted that I buy. I throw on a little mascara and deem that I am ready to go. I bound out of my room, ready to find Scarlet and start our day.

I stop dead in my tracks as soon as I hit the hallway, I can hear yelling and it sounds like Dorian. On one hand I do not want to eavesdrop, but on the other hand I am curious as to what is going on. I inch closer walking carefully down the hall, making sure not to bump anything. It is clearer now that the person yelling is Dorian.

“I am not respected here. We should go to your parents’ home. This whole trip is bullshit, just them trying to show off what they have. Like they are trying to rub our noses in it.” My heart breaks a little, because I assume, he is yelling at my sister. I also get a little mad, Caleb and I would never try to make them feel bad or show off. I was not sure if I should knock and ask Scarlet if she was ready or wait for her downstairs. I can hear that they are still talking but their voices are lowered now, and I can not make out what they are saying. After a few moments I decide that it is better to knock.

“Hey Scarlet, are you ready to go? Hi Dorian, how are you today?” I did not want him to feel like I was leaving him out. Dorian grunts in reply, then turns around and heads for the bathroom. Scarlet looks after him sadly, but then looks at me and nods her head that she is ready. We do not say anything as we walk down the stairs and out the front door.

Caleb had the car ready for us, and his warrior was already behind the wheel.

Scarlet and I climbed in the back seat. None of us spoke until we entered La Grande.

“Do you want to do some shopping, or grab something to eat first?” I was not sure where Scarlet would want to go first.

“How about we grab a drink?” Scarlet’s reply took me by surprise.

“Um there is a little café up ahead we can go there.” Caleb’s man drove up alongside a little café, that had the option for outside or inside seating. It did not look busy and Scarlet and I were seated quickly. We both took a moment looking over the menu.

“Uh I was hoping for a drink that had a kick to it. Oh well I think I will get the chicken salad sandwich, and a sweet tea. How about you Daphne?”

water with lemon in it.” I was too nervous to eat a big lunch. The waiter came back

nervous?” I thought about Scarlet’s question, in a way I am but not about

about messing up during the binding part of the

nervous too, although I was more scared about leaving home. I wished I could have taken you with me. I am sorry Daphne.” Scarlet is looking down at her hands, so I

was paying a lot of money, and I am sure that he was hoping it would

moment with a wistful look in her eye. “He changed after he became Alpha. He spent money like there was an endless supply, he started drinking heavily, staying out longer. He quit telling me that he loved me. At first, I thought that once he got the hang of managing the pack that he would go back to being normal, but then rumors started and most of our pack left. That pushed him to drink more, and then his behavior became more erratic.” My heart breaks for my

him rutting with a slave was the day that I knew nothing would ever be normal

know he looked over and knew that I was in that room and he still did not stop. Sometimes I wish it was as easy as humans, and we could divorce.” I wish there was something that I could tell her,

sorry Scarlet; I wish there was something I could do to

real problems, and I excelled at almost anything I tried. I went with the flow of everything. Even the beginning of my mating to

her to feel bad for not sticking up for me. She was still the only person that had shown me kindness. The

know that you think that you could have done more, and maybe you could have but at least you had shown me kindness. I clung to those memories, they made it easier to deal with the beatings. The fact is that we have messed up parents, but that is the past and we have each other now. I know that you live in California, but I hope that this is not our last

I had wondered what had happened to you, but everyone refused to talk about you. I wanted to come back and visit but I was embarrassed by Dorian’s behavior.” I understand exactly what she means. Scarlet was a legend; I can only imagine how she would be viewed if anyone in our old pack. had overheard Dorian earlier

feel guilty that I had been listening.

finish our food and make small talk. We talk about the differences between here, our old home, and her home in California. She tells me stories of going to the ocean, some of the members of her pack, and how she tried to learn knitting. Soon we were giggling and telling jokes

the car, we knew that it was time to head home. I did not want today to end. For some reason it felt like we were in a protected

that bubble was bursting, reality was returning. I was sad to see this day coming to

open. Dorian, and Caleb

bag NOW.” Dorian literally spits the words out in Scarlet’s face. I

to leave, but once again it

out what he had done I had let him know exactly what I thought of him.”

your bag NOW, do not make me repeat myself

all been paying attention to the drama in front of us. Turning I can see that Theo is standing there, like Caleb his eyes are dark, and he is barely hanging onto his ability to talk normally. “If I might have a moment of your time Scarlet, I think there is some information that you

your bond. You do not have to listen to him, you can leave him if you want.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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