
I’m truly happy for both Quinn and my cousin. Asher is a handsome little pup, and I can tell that he will grow into a strong Alpha one day. I’m glad that Quinn is happy again and she now has a family of her own, even if I’m not part of it. The Goddess Selene must have a special plan for me, at least I hope she does.

I’ve been watching the app on my phone that has Lila’s tracker on it, but it’s not showing me anything I can use. Going to the store or to the next town to get her hair done will not count as her stepping out on me. I know that she is where the tracker says she is because I have a warrior on her at all times when she leaves the pack house.

I’ve got to be missing something here, because this is not the same Lila that has been disappearing at all times of the day since. after Holden was born. She’s even started doing more Luna duties such as visiting the disabled wolves, bringing them food and supplies, along with visiting the school and daycare, all jobs that the Luna does.

As I sit in my office contemplating all of it, a thought comes to me, “She better not have had the nerve to do what I’m thinking she did!” I say to myself out loud. Linking my Beta to meet me in my office, I start over by the bookshelf.

“You wanted to see me?” Carter closes the door behind him.

“Lock the door and start helping me.” I order.

Carter scratches his head, “Uh, are you going to tell me what we are looking for or is it a surprise?”

‘We are looking for a bug.’ I link him and put my finger to my mouth, silencing him.

My big bad Beta flattens himself against the door as he looks around at the floor, ‘What kind of bug is it, and how big?’

I roll my eyes, ‘For the love of Goddess, not that kind of bug!’ I go back to sliding my hands over the bookshelves, ‘A transmitter bug. Seriously, how are you even my Beta if you are afraid of a little insect anyway?’ I snicker and shake my head.

while you slept and implanted itself! Do you remember that? I had a bump on the side of my nose for

and when the teacher went to grab it, it went back up his nose. He had to go to the doctor and

sorry. Just start looking over by the file cabinet while I finish

you think you have a bug in your office?’ My Beta asks as he slides his own hand all around the cabinets and opens the

hasn’t gone

to do with this how?’

bugged my office. I’ve been thinking. about it and there are too


else would she have known about the family. birthday dinner. Then there

you really having

around in here, but that’s

about the transmitter?’ He asks, ‘Do you

take it out, then she’s still carrying it with her for now. According to the app, she isn’t sneaking off like she was doing all the time, and

doing actual work?’ He

about it, but she is.’ I state.

but I doubt

set of file cabinets, holding the picture frame that has a photo of me and my dad in it. I watch as he pulls off a small square black

and take it from his fingers,

her.’ Carter tries talking some kind of

office, it was her!’ I close my fist around the small device, wanting nothing more than to crush it, but I want it as evidence. I meet my Beta’s eyes and snarl, ‘Find that bitch and throw her in the cell. She is not to have any wifi or television this time. She wants to act like a criminal, she can be

to respond as he walks out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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