It all happens so quick that I'm a bit dazed. Alpha Daniel was just trying to pull Ayden from my arms, and I was able to break free of him but then I hear Gavin calling out my name. Next thing I know. he's here in front of me, standing between me and his father, but his face has a look of surprise as he stares right at me.

It feels like time is standing still as I glance behind him and notice. Alpha Daniel is wearing a look of shock as he stares at his son's back. That's when I smell the blood, and at the same time, I hear Declan cry out for Gavin. Glancing down I see blood dripping from a hand that is protruding from Gavin's chest and that's when it all comes crashing down on me.


I feel someone pulling Ayden from my arms and hear Alpha Deke's voice, "I'll take him, Luna."

"No, no, no, no, no... you stay with me, baby!" I cry out as soon as I' m able to form words.

"Don't you dare fucking move, Daniel!" I hear Declan command Gavin's father, not letting him pull his arm back through.

"DOCTOR!" I call out and both Dr. Sands and Langly come running over.

"Oh fuck!" The first words out of Langly's mouth.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! HELP HIM!" I use my own aura to get them moving faster.

"Quinn, baby, s-stop." Gavin drops to his knees, taking his father with him, "I'm not going to m-make it, so you n-need to listen..."

you." I nod my head, trying to make myself believe

"No, Baby...I'm not...."

Gavin? Why did you do it?" Tears begin streaming down my face.

a h-heartbeat." He coughs and blood sprays out

I never meant for this

later!" All I want to do is tear Daniel to shreds, but he's keeping my mate alive. My mate! Mates can help heal their mate! "Gavin, you need to

is already

pour out at hearing this; I never got to say goodbye. No wonder Tala is going ballistic, wanting to break free and destroy everything. I hear Gavin call Declan closer and whisper something into his ear. Declan jerks back and

Both Declan and I are covered in Gavin's

"M-make s-sure you t-tell A-Ash all a-about

his d-daddy, and

I bawl even harder knowing that my son is

k-know that I w-will a-always be w-with y-you." He's gasping for breath as he tells me this and my heart

too, Gavin, and I want you to know that I am so glad that we had all this time together. You

light goes out in his beautiful green eyes, and I hear his heart stop. I lean down and kiss his still lips, not caring if there is blood on them. It's the last kiss that I will ever share with my Alpha. That's when I feel it...our bond breaking as the last of his life force leaves him and I grab my chest as the pain rips through it. Wails and howls from our pack are heard as each one

DO TO MY BABY!!! Sara pounds on Daniel with her fists; she is hysterical and looks like a madwoman. Then, her claws come out, "Burn in hell, Daniel Davis!" The

mate's life ends, but then, as if she didn't just tear out her mate's heart, she places a gentle kiss on Gavin's

following morning with the burning of his body following right after. Neither his mother nor I have spoken a word to anybody. Sara has been spending the last few days here, wanting to be near Ash and I let her. He needed it because I haven't been able to spend time with him. Cici brings him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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