All the high-ranking couples, along with Amelia, Dr. Sands and Demi are all sitting on the back deck with Declan and I while we eat cake and ice cream. To my surprise, the kitchen staff made enough cupcakes to feed the whole pack if they wished to stop by and greet their Luna on her birthday. Even though we will be celebrating in a week, most of my pack did come to wish me a happy birthday and it warms my heart to know that they still believe in me even though I am the Dire wolf.

The group has just finished singing a horrendous rendition of the birthday song to me and are now urging me to blow out my twenty candles. For some reason, though, the candles keep relighting themselves, so I extend a claw and swipe it across all the candle tops, cutting them clean off, before smirking at my best friend. She thinks I don't know that it was her wise ass idea to add these annoying candles.

"Hey, what fun is that?" Cici stands with her hands on her hips, pouting.

"You should know better than try something like that to me. I'm too impatient for childish antics." I shrug.

She stomps her foot and crosses her arms in front of her chest as she huffs, "I'm not childish!"

Everybody looks at each other before bursting out with laughter at Cici's little show. Oh, how I love having her in my life, she's always making things interesting to say the least. What would I have done had I not had Cici to bring me out of my melancholy slump after losing my family and my pack?


couldn't they have just killed me

They have me in the Luna quarters, but should I really be here? I'm an orphan now...I should be in with the other pack. members and helping the omegas with the cleaning of the pack. house. I'd say I could help the kitchen staff, but I doubt anybody would want me cooking their food; I've never learned how to cook. I was always too busy with my friends and never wanted to learn. the

no reason to bother me. The knock sounds again, "Hello in there! I've come bearing gifts for a Miss

me, I can't be rude, "Thank you for the kind gesture, but I cannot accept." I call out and hope that it's the end of it, but that

from the other side of the door, "It took me a long time to gather all of this together

the covers where I have been burrowing for the last couple of days. I'm sure I'm a fright to look at but that's what she will get for

door open and there stands a short and petite pretty she-wolf with sandy-blonde hair and big brown eyes. In her arms. she carries a heaping load of clothes that looks like it may swallow. her up any moment. I can't help the giggle that escapes

come ir and unload all of this? I can

on the bed for now." I instruct.

underneath them and hide away from everybody? I don't think so! I will help you fold and put them away or hang them in the closet." She still tosses them on the bed but then begins folding those that will go into dressers, "Alpha did bring some of your own clothes, but they smell like smoke, horribly, so he's having them washed. If the smell doesn't come out, then he will take you shopping for a new wardrobe. These are just on lend from a few

of all of you, thank you." I say

stares at me in disbelief, "Girl, have you seen me? Why would I waste my time going through my things when I know perfectly well that you wouldn't fit in anything. Not unless you like high waters, but everybody knows that they will never be in fashion!" She continues folding the clothes, "Come on now, I'm the Beta's sister not your maid! If I'm going

I liked the loudmouthed she-wolf and that we will be great friends, if I can ever get myself to leave this room, "What's your name?"

smoothie or something while I show you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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