Chapter 17


"I'm not going to disrespect you by beating around the bush, Ledger. As Alpha of two packs, and King of all werewolves, I have a responsibility that goes beyond worrying about whether I hurt our Beta's mate's feelings. I don't know you from jack, hell, no offense, but you don't even know yourself at the moment. With all that being said, though, I do want to help you get your memory back, and I do want you to be able to join your mates back at the pack house where you belong."

"Alpha Declan..."

I hold my hand up, stopping him from saying anything just yet, "I only have one question for you, and then you have the floor." I wait until he nods and then I proceed, "Do you think that there is a possibility that when you get your memory back, that you will turn on us and bring the Shikari here?"

Ledger blows out a long breath and runs his hand down his face as he leans back in the chair, "I have to be completely honest with you, I've thought about that same question since Spencer and Cici brought me back to this house. I can't tell you what you're hoping to hear because, well, I just can't know what it is that I will remember. Spending this time with both my mates, though, I can. already feel the bond with them. It may not be strong enough yet because we haven't marked each other, but there is still one there."

I stare at the male, taking in everything that he is saying. I don't feel as though he's only stringing me along, but again, I don't know the guy either. I wish I could be certain; I want our Beta's back where they belong, at the pack house.

Ledger continues, "I would like to think that when the time comes, I will choose my mates over the hunters. I don't understand how a father can hunt and destroy werewolves when his own son is one. That is something that I need to take into consideration as well."

"You are a witch too, you know. Have you had any kind of feeling come over you or anything, making you want to use your magic?" That is another thing that concerns me, his magic.

haven't but a lot has gone on today, so I haven't

noticed." I

gives me a

get a bit embarrassed, "Hey, wolves are very sexual beings and there is nothing to be ashamed of. You will get used to it. Who knows, if you're going

t shift."

chuckles, and I join in, "I've got to say, though, everything

you going to let them mark you?" I

today; I even turned my head for her, but she decided against it.

makes sense, but I would think that it should be left

I don't mind waiting. I kind of want to find out how I can mark them back when we do complete the claiming or whatever of right now anyway, "Well, just so you know, you are welcome to move into the Beta suite with them, but please don't get defensive if we keep tabs on you for the time being. We do have children

to stay here, just for a few more days. I would just like to

hold out my hand for him to shake, "Thank you for hearing me out, Ledger, and I want you to know that Quinn and I want to help you remember as well, so if you need anything, please, let us know."

"Thank you, Alpha."

before I'm being called out to the south border by patrol. Duke can use a good stretching anyway, so I let him shift and soon enough our paws are flying over the forest floor towards the border. It feels good to let my wolf out, it's seems like ages, and I know I need to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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