In the midst of the video, Gustavo reflected on his narrow escape from his son’s attempt on his life. Still, he felt compelled to counsel his son and other family members in the video about unity, simmering with both sorrow and rage within.

Initially, his impulse was to openly divulge that it was his own son conspiring against him, urging the Sanchez family to seek retribution and even consider removing his son from the family leadership position. However, upon careful consideration, he grasped the suitability of Charlie’s plan.

His son held considerable power now. Revealing the truth and inciting rebellion within the family would unmask his son as a patricide, completely shattering his facade of deceit and unveiling his true nature to the world. Even if other members were disgruntled, they lacked the might to challenge his son’s dominion. Moreover, the family’s interests now gravitated around his son, making it improbable for other members to speak up for Gustavo.

Hence, the most practical course was to heed Charlie’s counsel, maintaining a façade with his son. So long as his son’s dignity remained unscathed, providing him an exit, he would refrain from breaking ties and becoming a patricidal figure. Yet, being a loving father and offering room for his son tormented Gustavo deeply.

Focusing his fury on the Rothschild family, he grinned in the video, declaring, “I want the world to remember, Howard Rothschild is the ultimate hypocrite! He orchestrated every grim event in Brooklyn Prison! When I was incarcerated, attempts were made on my life, even the demise of that antique dealer, Peter Cole, trapped in an underground chamber, every bit was at the whim of that scoundrel, Howard! Now that the truth’s out, he’s using his grandson as a shield. One word for such a person, curse him! All who betray trust deserve damnation, damnation!”

During this segment of the video, Gustavo’s visage portrayed pure malevolence, gesturing with his right hand mimicking a pistol, relishing the idea of executing Howard. Subsequently, he regained composure and ended the recording.

The authenticity of Gustavo’s video was beyond doubt for everyone who watched it.

Gustavo resided in Brooklyn Prison, a place that had just been revealed to be covertly controlled by the Rothschild family.

The Rothschilds had pinned all blame regarding Brooklyn Prison on Matt not long ago. Initially, many believed Howard’s narrative, but Gustavo’s personal declaration swiftly contradicted that narrative. Even a powerful drug lord like Gustavo standing against Howard convinced everyone that Howard was the mastermind behind these events.

Howard, striving to remain as distant as possible from any controversy, was suddenly thrust into it by Gustavo, delivering a definitive blow.

against Howard

Gustavo would betray them, leaving them

with drug dealers, offering prison perks, and exploiting them for benefits in Mexico

19th century during the Opium War, it might have been overlooked. However, in today’s 21st-century modern society, it’s an

his bed, Howard glared at his eldest son, demanding, “Who plotted to kill Gustavo? When

an agreement with Gustavo. Why would we want him dead? There’s either a misunderstanding or Gustavo

long ago. Why would he fabricate this and implicate us now? And what baffles me is, despite enjoying considerable favor in Brooklyn Prison, only we can provide such treatment. Now,

the eldest son admitted, “I can’t fathom why this is happening. It’s illogical, it serves him no benefit to stand against us

the privileges he enjoys, he’s still a prisoner of the US government. Killing him at this point would not only anger the Sanchez family but also provoke the US government.

a cold tone, “Go and investigate this matter.


Meanwhile, in Jalisco, Mexico.

headquarters of the Sanchez family was nestled in this region renowned

They owned hundreds of square miles of fertile land, adorned with valuable agave crops and

Forbes list whose wealth is often tied up in valuations and shares that can’t be readily converted into cash,

can’t be liquidated easily. For instance, if an entrepreneur’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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