Late at night, a video suddenly appeared on the front pages of all media outlets except for TikTok.

The video’s title read, “A Sincere Apology from Howard, the Current Patriarch of the Rothschild Family.”

In the video, Howard intentionally dressed himself to appear elderly, projecting an image of decadence and illness, which gave viewers the impression that his demise was imminent.

Howard adopted this appearance based on advice from his think tank. Their strategy was rooted in the belief that downplaying one’s age and misfortune could evoke sympathy and subconsciously mitigate public resentment.

In essence, it was akin to theft. A healthy twenty-year-old might steal someone’s wallet, while an eighty- year-old terminally ill person, on the brink of death, could commit the same crime. Though the actions were identical in nature, society often displayed more leniency toward the latter.

While allowing Howard to portray himself as old and miserable would undoubtedly tarnish his image, it would ultimately soften the public’s hostility towards the Rothschild family.

The think tank’s judgment proved accurate. When Howard appeared on camera, struggling as though he were on his deathbed, viewers couldn’t help but feel sympathy.

Upon opening his mouth, Howard wasted no time and expressed deep regret, “You are likely aware that Matt Rothschild, a descendant of the Rothschild family, has committed unforgivable mistakes and crimes. While Matt’s actions were entirely his own, I, as the patriarch, bear an inescapable responsibility for oversight.”

“As the head of the Rothschild family, I failed to promptly step forward and offer a public apology. Instead, I attempted to resolve the matter with money and interfered with the course of justice on his behalf. My actions were undeniably foolish and wrong. Therefore, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our clients and the American public, and I offer my sincere apology.”

Howard’s think tank understood the importance of diverting attention from the core issue and keeping the host in control. Blaming Matt from the outset would have fueled public anger. Instead, they advised Howard to accept a so-called unshirkable responsibility for negligence while shifting blame onto Matt.

This approach not only quelled audience hostility but also portrayed Matt as the sole wrongdoer, with Howard emerging as a parent who couldn’t control his child but still took responsibility.

to bribe Bruce Weinstein, a rather bold admission on his part. Moreover, the released phone call between Howard and Bruce contained

of all fellow Americans, that we shall not shield Matt or seek leniency on his behalf. Regardless of the court’s verdict and sentencing,

to investigate my conduct. If I am suspected of violating U.S. laws, I am prepared to accept all legal

on behalf of the entire Rothschild family, I offer our most sincere apologies to Mr. Bruce Weinstein and Mr. Peter Cole. We will continue to engage with them and strive to make amends for

this, an elderly Howard rose with some difficulty and

Rothschild family’s reputation. Coupled with their media control,

to the entire Rothschild family. Howard’s

legal price for Peter Cole’s matter, the situation might come to an end.


Jagoan watched the Rothschild family’s counterattack from his cell, as he had anticipated. He knew that a family of their stature would possess strong

because he held a

video on his mobile phone. Annoyed, he cursed, “Damn, Howard, this old fox! I thought he’d struggle more. I didn’t expect

calmly asked, “Gustavo, do you

course, I want to live! You mentioned before that there’s

phone and smiled. “I’m afraid you won’t leave prison in this lifetime. But if you want to lead a comfortable life here, you’ll need to

Jagoan, could you clarify

“Gustavo, do you value your

without hesitation, “Of course, I value my life!

your son, explaining your previous agreement with the Rothschild family and why you’re imprisoned here. Share how the

out, “Mr. Jagoan, if I reveal this information, won’t the Rothschild family try

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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