At night, the Cole family’s manor lay shrouded in darkness. Nearby, the windows of the villa next door were blacked out by Rothschild staff, giving the impression that it was uninhabited.

With nightfall, all activity at the manor ceased, and the parked vehicles within its boundaries fell silent. Unbeknownst to outsiders, inside the seemingly tranquil villa, a group of people gathered, including Steve Rothschild and more than forty individuals, including Royce Rothschild.

Among the group of over 40 people, aside from Steve and his son, approximately 30 individuals were tasked with continuously monitoring the Cole family manor’s every move. The remaining 10 people were responsible for the villa’s security.

The Rothschild family placed immense importance on their security, especially when the individuals present included the eldest son and eldest grandson of the current patriarch. Even though they had set up a net around the Cole family, the protection of the family’s core members was unwavering. They couldn’t afford to be complacent about safety.

Steve Rothschild, concerned about his own safety, sought reassurance from Hank regarding the security within the villa.

To alleviate Steve’s worries, Hank proudly explained, “Young Master, the personnel we have here are all top-notch agents equipped with identification friend-or-foe technology. Should the detector detect anyone without the identification equipment, it will immediately relay their location to our snipers.”

“Furthermore, each of us wears personal identification equipment, and the system promptly verifies our identity. If surveillance equipment captures our face, the facial recognition system activates to confirm our identity. If it matches, it’s considered safe. If not, we’ll immediately alert the authorities.”

“In addition, all our personnel outside wear 24-hour recorders that cannot be deactivated. The recorded data is uploaded to the cloud, and the intelligence center handles storage and analysis. When any two

people encounter each other, cross-checking is possible. Whether it’s me or not, your safety here is guaranteed at 100 percent.”

Steve found this information extremely reassuring. It appeared that he merely needed to stay put with his son, awaiting Hank to uncover the clues and locate the Four Treasures of the Study.


Meanwhile, after nightfall, Charlie arranged for Jordan to procure a vehicle and drove quietly to New Jersey, the location of the Cole family estate.

New York and New Jersey, being neighboring states, attracted many middle-class and moderately wealthy New Yorkers seeking a higher quality of life. The distance between them was less than an hour’s drive, a manageable commute for those accustomed to driving.

heading directly to the Cole family manor. Instead, he parked about a kilometer away from it and visited a roadside café. He ordered a cup of coffee and sat near a

the end of a road, making this the

noticed two black Cadillac SUVs parked outside a nearby motel. Despite the cars being turned off and their windows tinted darkly, they harbored occupants – four individuals in

emergencies arose, these eight individuals could quickly offer support. Moreover, the SUVs were robust and heavy, suitable for interception and capable

had already begun establishing a wide perimeter about a kilometer away. Venturing closer would

seemed that acquiring the ,Four Treasures of the Study without exposing himself would

surroundings, observed their movements carefully. Their gait, posture, and precise control

One of them, gesturing towards the motel across the street, muttered quietly, “These Rothschild people are a real headache. We better hope they don’t stir up any more

now. If they make any unusual moves, we’re to intervene immediately. However, they’ve warned us not to get too

Look at their personnel and equipment. They’re miles ahead of us. If they’re determined to do something, we

equipment department that the Rothschild family brought in top-of-the-line thermal imaging gear. It can

course, no one can prevent them. The White House won’t stand a chance. We just need to act

we can always claim we did

quiet until now, suddenly spoke up, “Did any of

acknowledgment. One asked, “What’s special about the helicopter? There are

ventured within a mile of the Cole property. However, that

others leaned in, eagerly

confirm, but I’m pretty sure there were direct Rothschild family members on that

of them inquired, “Why are direct Rothschild family members here? What are they

“I’m not sure about their specific agenda, but based on the series of actions taken by the Rothschilds, it’s evident that the Cole family holds great significance for them. Yesterday, our director had a meeting and mentioned that almost the entire Rothschild family had been mobilized, putting New York and a 200-mile

one of them questioned. “I haven’t heard anything about

man went on to explain, “The current martial law is not public. The police are out blocking all land transportation, inspecting all vehicles leaving the designated area. Their reason is an anti-drug

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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