Chapter 4461

After hanging up his boss's phone, Duncan first said to his subordinates,

“No more autopsy center, go to Fei's group!”

His subordinates hurriedly asked: “Inspector, what are you going to do at the Fei Group?”

“It will soon hold a press conference, almost all the media in New York are there,”

“You go there at this time is not......... is not........ ”

As the subordinate tried to speak, all of a sudden stuttered up, Stammering half a day not saying anything in the follow-up. Duncan asked in a cold voice: “What? You da*n well say it!” The subordinate can only pluck up courage, hardened his head, and said, “Is it not the same as............................................ throwing yourself into the net?”

Duncan gritted his teeth and cursed: “Fcuk you! I am a police officer,” “Not a murderer, how can I be considered to throw myself into the net?” His subordinate said anxiously, “But the media are waiting to interview you.    ”

Duncan knew that what his subordinate said was not wrong.

With so many major cases occurring in the city overnight,

And so many innocent deaths involved,

most eager

issued an order, without the permission of the

is allowed to accept media

top is so afraid of interviews is

the object of blame by the media

the opportunity, no


afraid that the police asked by reporters


is also why Duncan lied to his superiors and said he was going to

he wanted to go to Fei's group and meet

have cursed him on the spot and

Duncan has no other

that Ruoli

behind this matter or

ironically said to his subordinates: “From now on do not say anything, do not ask anything, what I tell you to

do, if the above blame down,

knows that Duncan has made

wisely did not say any word, and then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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