Duncan felt more and more as if he had fallen into the world framed in the movie “Inception”,

Falling continuously in multiple dreams, and the more he fell, the farther he was from waking up.

Moreover, the more you fall, the more blurred the sense of time is,

As if the time axis is constantly expanding, a day in a coma, under that chaotic sense,

Seems to be no longer a day, not just a year, but a Century or even longer.

What he didn’t know was that in the extremely deep freeze,

Although his brain still maintained its vitality,

It also entered an extremely slow metabolic state due to the extremely low temperature.

Freezing itself is lengthening the timeline of his body.

The human body in this situation is like a piece of meat.

If it is not frozen, it will spoil within three days,

But if it is frozen at a very low temperature, it will not be possible for it to go bad in three years,

Thirty years, or even three hundred years.

It was this infinitely elongated timeline that made his consciousness approach chaos.

he opened his eyes at this moment, he still felt as if

he suddenly heard a man’s voice: “Duncan Li,

this voice,

no sound has appeared in his dreams

of his wife and daughter,

pantomime movie with no

time he heard

voice was very unfamiliar to

is that although


his heart: “I must have… somewhere… heard this

has passed… …. all of a

his vision began

him, it is


his vision began to become

in the bathroom was suddenly blown by the hot air of

time, he was surprised to find that he was lying in a pool that was bigger than

on the edge of the pool,

him, and suddenly his whole body trembled with

a large number of memories that had gone away began to return at

the stadium and was about to go to meet his wife


the memory begins to rewind back from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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