Chapter 2996

This clue made the police pay more attention to the whereabouts of Cary.

After all, the development route of this matter was that Cary drove to Phoenix Mountain, and the car was struck by lightning and burned to an empty shell, and then Cary disappeared.

They seriously doubt that he will die like the security guard at the cemetery before, so the top priority is to find his whereabouts.

Therefore, while organizing police forces to conduct a carpet search around Phoenix Mountain, they also follow the regular case-handling process and issue tracing notices to the outside world.

These are publicizing Cary’s personal information, and at the same time soliciting valuable clues from the public.

was issued, it did not arouse too much attention

have never heard of, and everyone

this news was quickly noticed by the Su

time, Chengfeng was talking secretly with Moby

the strongest master of the Su

also Chengfeng’s last

also folded, then Chengfeng would basically have

over, just to talk

Chengfeng: “Master, are you planning to let him kill Luther

front of him, and said: “Luther

me, it must be a big trouble in the future.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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