In the evening, Liona and Zhiyu went home one after another. The servant told them that Zhifei had locked himself in the room in the afternoon and never left the door.

The mother and daughter respectively knocked at the door and asked, Zhifei. The reply to them is that “I want to be alone.”

The family didn’t take it seriously.

After all, he is an adult, and sometimes it is normal to want to be alone.

However, at nine o’clock in the evening, when Zhifei pushed the door and came out of the room, he gathered the whole family solemnly, saying with a serious face that he had something to announce.

When the family sat down in the living room and wanted to hear what he had to announce, he took out his mobile phone and sent a video invitation to Chengfeng.

Zhiyu was a little upset when she saw him sending a video to Grandpa, and asked: “Brother, why are you going to video call with Grandpa?”

said seriously: “I have a major decision about myself to be announced, so I

don’t want to take pictures

further away. Soon,

at the end of the video: “Zhifei, how

said calmly: “Grandpa, I have a major decision, and

“Is there

straight and said seriously: “I Zhifei, after careful consideration, deeply believe that my father and grandfather are sinful people, so I decided to start at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning

to the Jokhang Temple to repay the sins of the Su family. I don’t

years, I will come back

and Zhiyu were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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