Mo Hutting's anger was pushed to its peak as she hung up the phone immediately.

As Gu Jingze listened to the disengaged tone through his phone, he took a moment to focus. When he saw that the doctor had arrived, he followed him into Lin Che's ward.

The doctor had already examined Lin Che's injury. The wound on her thigh was recovering well and she was going to be able to walk again very soon.

Gu Jingze watched from the side. Within the time that he went out to answer a call, she had already completely cleaned out the food. Not only that, she had even started a discussion with the doctor about how the room looked so good.

She was truly heartless and ungrateful.

Gu Jingze looked at the scar on her thigh and said to the doctor, "Can the scar on her thigh be removed?"

The doctor rushed to speak to Gu Jingze, respectfully and cautiously, "That depends on the individual's body constitution. Seeing as Madam doesn't usually have any scars, she doesn't seem to be the kind to have scars. It's possible that she will recover, but... with a scar this deep, it's likely to leave a bit of a scar." While stitching up the wound, he had especially used a method of stitching that would not leave a scar. But now, the wound still looked jagged.

Gu Jingze did not want any scars to be left on her body. As he looked at her wound, he frowned deeply. "I hope there won't be a single scar on my wife's body. Get your best doctor to come up with a solution." When the doctor heard this, his face paled and he quickly nodded repeatedly.

When Lin Che saw the doctor leave, she lifted her head to say to Gu Jingze, "It looks like it'll definitely leave a slight scar. But it's alright. If I'm filming I can just cover it up with foundation."

But Gu Jingze gazed at her deeply and said, "No. If this hospital can't do it, I'll look for the best doctor on earth to give you the necessary treatment. I will definitely not leave you with a single scar."

As Lin Che looked at his somber expression, she felt a slight warmth in her heart. She smiled at him and said, "Why? Will you dislike me for the scars on my body? Seriously, a wife who shares her husband's hardships must never be cast aside. Did you hear that? No matter how ugly I get, you cannot cast me aside."

Gu Jingze was speechless for some time. He looked at Lin Che and said, "Relax. I won't cast you aside. I just don't want to see scars on your body."

He did not want to see her get hurt especially because of him. As he looked at Lin Che dressed in a striped hospital gown, he recalled her white, soft and flawless skin. He immediately felt uneasy realizing that it could become marred by such a large scar all because of him.

Lin Che moved slightly as she said, looking at him, "Or is it because you feel guilty when you look at it?"

Gu Jingze glared at her. "What nonsense are you saying?"

felt a

you really feel guilty, then treat me a little better from now on. It's good enough if you don't

Jingze froze. He recalled the day when he

anger had been triggered only because of her

he was born, there had never been a single woman like her who was

right now, as he gazed deeply at Lin Che, he

in surprise. As she looked at Gu Jingze, she went into a

his head, and properly arranged the medicine that the doctor had given. He then started to pour

first day, Lin Che's wound was still hurting slightly but because the hospital had already used the best medicine on her, she

about time, Lin Che felt a little dazed and was about to fall asleep. She looked at Gu Jingze through her narrowed eyes and asked, "What are you going to do tonight?" Gu Jingze said, "You

"Why don't you go back

Jingze thought of leaving her here alone, he just felt that she would be

who were surrounded by their family members. She only had him

you can go outside

night and you also need someone to watch over you.

then looked again at her own bed. The

pondered for a bit and decisively patted her own bed. "Why don't you just come up and sleep

Jingze's gaze flashed stealthily as he looked at the place

secret delight flitted by

fact, he

as he neither rejected her suggestion nor agreed to it, Lin Che said again, "Why? Are you afraid that I'll jump you? In that case, I'll put the pillow in the middle. The bed is so big.

alright. Then,

Che quickly shifted to the side to

Jingze tidied up for a bit before

on opposite sides with a

she lay there like this, she kept feeling like she could sense the breathing of the man beside

fall into a deep sleep quickly. Gu Jingze sensed that the person beside him was no longer tossing and turning and her breathing had gradually quieted down. He knew that she was probably

flipped to his other side and tried to fall

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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