Lin Che scanned through the comments online. Little did she expect that this topic would be talked about continuously over the Internet for days.

Yu Minmin smiled and said, "Your movie this time is going to be hyped up again."

Lin Che said, "I didn't think that they would argue to this state and even go so far as to attack Xin Xiaoyuan."

"She brought it upon herself too. It's her own fault for sabotaging you for no reason."

Lin Che said, "What if she thinks that I did it on purpose and she wants revenge?"

"Even so, you can't help it right? In any case, she was the one who hated you first. No matter what you do and whether it's right or not, she'll always hate you and cause you trouble. There's no point concerning yourself with whether she wants revenge or not."

Lin Che heard this and agreed, "You're right... I'm just worried about becoming a burden. I'm always causing trouble."

"No way, you're good enough. It's just that the higher you get to the top, the more of a target you become for others looking at you from below. Sometimes, even if you aren't the one causing trouble, trouble will find you. This is inevitable."


Lin Che said, "I didn't think I'd end up getting more headlines just because of this disagreement."

"Yeah, all the recent headlines are about you."

Xin Xiaoyuan was criticized badly on Weibo. She continued replying on Weibo unrepentingly, saying that she was innocent and that Lin Che was a junior. She had no intentions of arguing with a newcomer. She even said that Lin Che clearly tried to stir up the situation and dragged her into it.

In comparison, Lin Che's side was much cleaner. Once in a while, she would post about what she was doing, eating or playing. People thought that Lin Che was so quiet while the other side was like a tiger, grabbing onto Lin Che and not letting go. She even dared to say that Lin Che stirred things up when it was clearly her who wanted to.

Yu Minmin looked at the report and shook her head, "I'm afraid that Xin Xiaoyuan cannot get over her anger. Her team must have been furious when they saw her post all these."

Yang Lingxin said, "She deserved to be scolded. She's simply too disgusting to treat Sister Che that way."

see more, you'll know that there are all kinds of people.

Sister Che to become some actress. I can never enter this circle. I

She looked up and laughed, "Little Xin is actually quite pretty. Once you doll

Yu Minmin, "Right, Sister Yu? See? Doesn't she

pretty," Yu Minmin knew that Lin Che was just saying it for fun. How could

bad looking, whether or not she could enter the circle was not up to how she looked. This also depended on fate. Some

Yu Minmin had been an

Lingxin heard this and smiled shyly, "Stop teasing me,

a meal with Gu Jingyan. Lin Che jumped up in shock, "No way! Why didn't

She quickly hung up and was

"Tell me what should I wear... It can't be too strict or it'll make me look uptight. It can't be too normal either or it'll make me look

"Sister Che, you look good in anything. Don't

and looked at her, "You

and Yang Lingxin to head

been to the Gu house. At the entrance,

her mouth agape as she stared

like the villa that

as she looked at her surroundings. She

here, but after I went in, I realized that... the real surprising thing is inside. Gu Jingze is Gu Jingze. There are only things you can't think of. There is

plate and he needs

on. She really didn't expect Gu Jingze's house to

"Sister Che, do you usually


looked all over at the gorgeous decorations in the room. There were even maids

politely to

"Good day, Madam."

the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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