The two of them said goodbye to Granny and walked out together.

Gu Jingze's car was already prepared. They sat in his car, no longer needing to take the train. They went straight to the provincial capital where the airport was.

Watching a line of people leaving, people all around enviously watched Qiu Shuyun upgrade to a big house. They were amazed.

But she was the one with such a good granddaughter. She was starting to enjoy life in her golden years. All her suffering in the past was overshadowed.

Lin Che boarded the plane with Gu Jingze. On the plane, Lin Che kept staring at the photo she brought along.

Gu Jingze looked at her and asked, "Where is your mother's grave?"

Lin Che said, "It's at Nanshan Cemetery. I go there twice a year."

"Bring me there next time," he looked at Lin Che and said.

Lin Che looked up and gazed silently at Gu Jingze. Gu Jingze asked, "You are married to me. Shouldn't I go visit my mother-in-law?"

He would never admit that the person from the Lin household was his father-in-law.

But when it came to Lin Che's mother, it was needless to say.

He looked at the photo and also secretly thought that her mother was absolutely not like what was rumored. There must have been some unknown reason for the rumor of her as a mistress to spread. They got down the plane and received news from the Gu family. They were preparing for Gu Jingyan's wedding and needed Gu Jingze to go home.

Che, "Let's head straight to the Gu house. I think we will

After leaving stubbornly for a few days and making Gu Jingze follow her in the small town, she wondered if she had taken up his

didn't seem to mind. Lin Che could only look

Meanwhile, the Gu house.

the past few days. It was a pity that Gu Jingze was never around. Gu Jingyan and Mu Wanqing walked out together

that she was caring about

her brother. She just was a little unhappy with Lu Beichen. He was going to be married soon and yet he only showed his face a couple of times. "She cares more

"He's definitely busier than Chuxia as the heir to the Lu family. All the

He's a bit frivolous, but it's a good thing among these guys. It's also good that he's running his own company. It'll be good to work together and help

We're busy with our own

said, "I like being this way. What's the point of idling at home?

sighed and

Wanqing leave

sister was more caring

marriage she wanted. She couldn't blame anyone

Jingyan and Lu Beichen have always been stirred together by others since they were

because they were constantly competing for

suppressing Lu Beichen from the moment they entered high school and until they graduated. He was the second place for three

and enemies. She, Fu Chenxi, Lu Beichen, Ruan Qingshan and Guo Junyan. The five of them were always together and stuck to each other like shadows. But none of them knew about her feelings for Lu Beichen until the end... Fu Chenxi's family background was not good and

Jingyan, you're so stupid. Since you knew that you wanted to be with Beichen, why didn't you give in to him more in high school? Let him try to be the boss. When

her, "After you marry Jingyan, you must never be so competitive anymore. You must bow your head more in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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