"Is that so? Come on, Lass Lu. Why are you being so formal?" Gu Xiande said.

"No way. These are the supplements my father brought back from the Arctic. I'll bring a sample over for Grandfather to take a look. My father said that they're extremely good."

"Then, thank you for going through such a trouble."

Lu Chuxia smiled and went out to retrieve the gift.

Everywhere she went, people stared and looked at her.

A bystander even said, "The person inside must be the highly-respected Old Master of the Gu family."


"It's my first time ever seeing him. Although I saw him from this far away, at least I still saw him."

"Of course. Don't you see? Every single person beside him is part of the most prominent family, the Gu family. The Old Master of the Gu family has a strange temper. He definitely won't allow just anyone to go close to him."

"That's true. Now that I look at them, aren't the people beside him the few most prominent characters in the Gu family?"

"It looks like Old Master really likes that Miss Lu."

"Look at how affectionate Old Master is to her."

"Forget it. You shouldn't have any wild hopes unless you're also as capable as Miss Lu and have such a powerful background."

Lu Chuxia naturally felt very proud when she heard this. She hummed as she walked past them and even the corners of her lips involuntarily tilted upwards.

Once she returned, she gave more gifts to Old Master Gu again. It made Gu Xiande immensely pleased. As she sat there, it incited even more envy from others.

someone announced that Gu Jingming and Gu Jingze

hastily stood up to greet Mr. President and Gu

after another. They were of similar stature and appearance but had different auras. As the President, Gu Jingming was naturally brimming with righteousness. On the other hand, Gu Jingze was accustomed to keeping a low profile and displaying coldness. His aura felt more like the deep night assaulting

come along too. Seeing that Gu Xiande was here, Gu Jingming and Gu Jingze

The two of them

I was wondering why I didn't see you at all


smiled and walked towards him. With Old Master Gu's gaze on her, her smile remained extremely clear. She did not greet him in as formal a manner as the two brothers and said intimately,

I'm old now. However, I still like joining in the

come, there would've been a huge argument. Grandfather was correct

was creating

Che said, "Who else can it be? It was Gu

did he create trouble?" Gu Xiande asked her with great

really a huge affair and so many people came. It's my first time attending such a huge wedding, so of course, there are

he started laughing. As he raised his head, he said to Gu

Jingze glared at Lin Che and said, "She likes to make mountains out of molehills anyway. Is teasing her the same as bullying her?" He looked at Lin Che and said, "Look at your petty

Look, Gu Jingze is going to scold me again. I'm short and small. Of course, he's going to bully me

laughed even more. He said to Lin Che, "Don't be afraid of him. Grandfather will help you. I'll see if he dares to

Grandfather, if you came a little earlier, then he definitely wouldn't have dared to bully

family invited at least five hundred people this time. As for the rest, I don't know how they found a way to get in. In total, I reckon there are more than a

in were all very likely either wealthy and respectable

wealthy people in the entire country

surprised expression on Lin Che's face, smiled and said, "It doesn't matter anyway. They're all just here to play up to those in power.

Che said, "For so many people to come to curry favor with you,

is true too. Thinking about it like this, I do feel


no time, he and Lin Che were seated together. Then, he looked at Lin Che and asked her if she was facing any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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