"Go, go, go. Scoot over there. Get away from me," Lin Che quickly shouted while looking at the driver in front. There was someone here, yet he still dared to get so close to her. Gu Jingze brought her to a Western restaurant to eat.

By the time they got out of the car, the bodyguards had already cleared everyone out of the restaurant.

They could only watch from afar as Gu Jingze entered with Lin Che by his side. They were wondering who had gone in. Looking at the guards' blue badges, someone said that it was the insignia of the Gu family's bodyguards. These people most likely belonged to the Gu family.

Gu Jingze and Lin Che sat down. He let Lin Che order her favorite dishes. While eating, Lin Che also thought about the best place to visit since he had offered to take her somewhere.

"What do you think about the Great Barrier Reef?" Lin Che suggested.

"Do you want to go there?"

"I'm just thinking about the popular spots I've heard about recently. Anyway, it doesn't matter where we go because I've never been anywhere." Gu Jingze said, "That place is more suitable for relaxing. We can go there."

"But I also want to visit Europe. What about Iceland?" Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"It's probably not the best time to go there now. But it's quite beautiful too."

"Dear me. Whatever I suggest, you say it's good. I don't even know how I'll choose now."

"Yes. You said that you've never been anywhere, but I've been to all of these places. So of course, anywhere's fine with me."

"Wow, you've been to so many places." Lin Che looked at him. "Don't tell me you've been all around the world?"

"I've gone to some places for work. I've also gone overseas for my annual vacation. On top of that, I've accompanied my family a couple of times. I can't say for sure that I've been all around the world, but I've probably gone to whichever place you know the name of, given how dumb you are."

"..." Lin Che looked at Gu Jingze enviously. "In that case, forget it. Since you've been everywhere, where is the fun with going again? There's no need for you to especially accompany me to a place you've been to before."

Gu Jingze looked at Lin Che and said, "It's alright. I've been to many places for work, but I've actually never really looked around."

"Why didn't you take the chance to look around while you were there?"

I went there for work, how could I have

in pity. Despite his immense wealth, he had also missed so many beautiful sights

was speaking when she heard Gu Jingze's phone begin to

Jingze held his phone up and looked at the name on the screen. His complexion was the same as always, but he glanced at Lin Che before straightening himself and leaving to receive the call. Lin Che found it strange. Who exactly was the caller that he had

she was around. Although many of his work matters were classified information, she could not understand what he was saying and never bothered to

Gu Jingze, "What's up?"

about your condition, so I wanted to tell you that I know two pretty good doctors. You should meet them to discuss your condition in detail." "I'm eating right now. Let's talk about this

figured out what exactly is wrong with you.

silent with the phone in

only replied after a


back inside and asked him,

Jingze shook his head.

Che to get

vacation, Gu Jingze said that he had to leave first to handle some matters and instructed his subordinates to

Jingze, she felt that

instinctively turned up in a hint

would definitely not want

be effectively used against Gu Jingze; sure enough, he was afraid of her

this was still not

use of her hold

could not sully her own

and fiddled with the screen


leave and returned

just looking through her WeChat when she saw that Lin Li had

the media has been sensationalizing the issue over

about it and replied, "It's fine. I'm comforted by

Li responded almost immediately, "That's my job after all. I can't make decisions when it comes to matters with work. I can only listen to instructions. You know it too. But ultimately, you're still my sister. I need to warn you about

that Lin Li did not harbor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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