Atlas StudiosAtlas Studios

Gu Jingze said, I dont have anything important happening today, either.

Lin Che hugged him. If those relatives from your family heard that I went to attend a ceremony and even took away all the most capable guards by your side, they would definitely devour me.

Theyre not going there just to protect you. They are also going there to protect a child of the Gu family. Even if our relatives know, theres nothing much they can say either. He looked down and caressed her belly.

Lin Che also lowered her head to take a look. She felt that what he had said seemed correct as well

Gu Jingze said, Thats enough. Ill get them to follow you.

Lin Che had no choice but to agree. Otherwise, she was afraid that Gu Jingze would nag at her for a day.

After that, Lin Che headed to the office first.

As she still had to draw up some proposals at the company before doing her make-up and then dressing up, it basically took her until the afternoon.

Lin Che saw that the event, which was an annual movie festival, involved all of the A-list celebrities in the entertainment industry. All of the stars who were more active this year would attend the event. Thus, from the early afternoon, live broadcasts of the event had already begun screening online and on television. They showed what was happening at the venue, what preparations the fans were making, and what preparations the media was making.

There was also a lot of speculation about the winners and about the people who would attend the award ceremony.

The people at the company were very busy. They found it a little strange when they saw so many people around Lin Che.

But Abby knew why. She walked over and said, Wow. These guards look so menacing.

Lin Che said, Yes. You can even connect the scars on their bodies together.

No way

Ive seen them training before. Seriously, their bodies were covered completely in gunshot scars and knife scars. I think that even having them be my bodyguards is putting them to great inconvenience. Hahahaha. Youre right. Today, theyll probably just be fending people off did Gu Jingze make this arrangement for you?


These were the cream of the crop of the Gu family. Truly


calm her skin down so that it would be easier for her to put on make-up. When she heard

the phone and asked,

heard that youre going to attend an award ceremony today. I just

Yes. Why?


award ceremony. What help are

breaking your competitors

What kind of joke is

win based on her capability. Anyway, let me know if you need anything. Dont push yourself if your body cant take

to his voice, her

to have so

said, Alright, I understand. There wont be any

Hawk said, Hn. Do

down the phone. In reality, she already felt thrilled that he had

being a little scary. It did not

know yet that she had spoken

time, the company started doing make-up on Lin Che. Her make-up was done, and her gown was

looked incredibly stylish. There was a narrow sash in the middle at the waist with a V-shaped collar above it. The elongating effect of the gown was evident, and the white and bright skin above her chest looked gorgeous. Paired with a diamond

shoulder area and dotted all over the entire gown, making it look a

was done, she got into the van very quickly and

as they were also worried that Lin Ches body would not be able to take it. They did not dare to cause her body any problems since the child in

the streets of B-City during the peak

got stuck mid-way through the

felt a slight urge to puke. She did not know if it was because she was too nervous today, but her morning sickness

Che repeatedly moved and stopped in the car. She felt even more uneasy. Her complexion immediately turned poor

said, Why are there so many cars? F***,

live broadcast. If everything is

were going to attend the event today. Something like a helicopter would gather

asked, In that case, what

is less jammed up. Then, Ill


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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