Gu Jingze said, "So, dont think about touching a strand of her hair today."

"Hes rebelling, hes rebelling"

"Exactly. This is getting out of hand."

"Lin Che is simply a jinx."

Gu Jingze scoffed. "She is not a jinx in any way. I see that you guys insist on imposing this kind of sin on her. Will she no longer be a jinx if I let you take her away to be interrogated?"

The Gu family did conduct private interrogations from time to time.

Furthermore, some interrogation methods were ruthless.

The person being interrogated would sometimes come out half dead.

Gu Jingze would never allow them to take Lin Che away for interrogation. Considering the level of hatred they had for Lin Che, they would probably use the hard method on her.

Thus, he would fight against them all the way if he had to. He would not let them take Lin Che away.

"No. Were not letting you take Lin Che away like that." The clan relatives disagreed and protested.

Just then, the nonchalant Gu Jingyu could no longer watch from the sidelines. He stood behind and listened to what everyone said. He said, "I think that since nobody has evidence, everyone shouldnt pressure her in front of so many people. Im with Lin Che. You guys cant think that shes a murderer just because she was the last person who saw Grandfather. Not to mention, Grandfather had a heart attack. He was not murdered."

Seeing that Gu Jingyu actually sided Lin Che, everyone looked at Lin Che hatefully. This woman was really a scourge.

The two Gu brothers have been bewitched by her.

A clan relative said, "Fine, fine. If you guys dont let us interrogate her, you guys are unfilial. Filial piety is what we should respect the most. You guys actually dont care about your grandfathers death just to protect a woman. We wont acknowledge a house head like that."

"Exactly. Hand Lin Che over or leave your position as house head!"

Gu Jingze narrowed his eyes. "Lin Che, lets go."

He grabbed Lin Ches hand and refused to let go. He faced the exit. "I just want to see who dares to stand in my way while Im the head of the house. The Gu family guards, listen to my command. Whoever dares to come near me will be outcast!"

The guards outside listened to the house heads orders.

"You guys"

Che. He tugged Lin Che along and walked through

Once outside, he turned back and asked, "You call us unfilial? Why dont you take a good look in the mirror? None of you have

grandfather died, that person had the right to make the decisions.

only person supporting them gone just like that, how

family?" A clan relative looked

replied, "Hmph. You guys can leave the Gu family if you want to. Nobody is



a Gu family member, so she could not go in just now. As she looked through

guards of the Gu family surrounded

sorry about today, An Lan. Some domestic issue cropped

leaving anyway. I was just waiting

so protective of Lin Che as they left. It must have

there so

people to tend to the troublemaking clan relatives and

Lin Che back before he returned to

media reports and prepared for the funeral at the

he soon had the entire Gu

kind of man was really

he was

Lan also discovered that

Lin Che just now and unceremoniously insulted the crowd. Watching from afar, his expression was stern and touching. What was that all about? Did Gu Jingyu behave that way in

so protective of Lin Che? Was she

Che reached home

about her and quickly rushed

the window and

to her. "Dont worry. Second Brother will not let anything happen to

He will never let anything happen to me, but Im worried that something will happen to

Jingyu chuckled. "No. Nobody has yet

but I can tell that the

said, "Thats

pillar of strength and support, they rebelled against Second Brother because

They believed that the

still hope. Now that Grandpa is suddenly gone, they are of course, worried. They are

Second Brother assumes the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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