Chapter 1736

Taya said, “Mr. Brook, I’m not there to have fun, I’m there to see my husband.”

Johnny glanced at her for a second, “What’s wrong with

you looking for your husband and me looking for my brother–in–law?”

Taya was dumbfounded by the dislike and Johnny asked her again, “I know the specifics of what’s going on inside Erebus, do you?”

She was afraid Holden would sense she was going to Erebus and hadn’t approached him for specifics, she shook her head, “I’ll just know the address.”

Johnny’s goggle–eyed demeanor grew cold, “How did you know Erebus’s address?”

Taya hesitates for a moment before choosing to trust Johnny, removing the gold leaf and note and handing it to him, “I don’t know Erebus’s address, but there was a little girl, who gave me these two things.”

Jolmny took it, glanced at the note, then picked up the gold leaf and examined it, “This gold leaf, is an invitation card for Erebus, and the letter E on the back, is the code name for Erebus.”

He tore his eyes away from the gold leaf and looked to Taya, “The people behind Erebus send invitation cards to people if they’re particularly interested in them, and the fact that you’ve

Chapter 1736



dead and they want to use me as

a threat to lure you in, after all, Griffon is already deep in Erebus and they can

as long as her presence would not threaten Griffon,

to her, “Inevitably, there is value in keeping

“What value

with thin white fingers and tapped her steering wheel, “Go to the docks and I’ll

hesitated for a moment, and then, without further ado, started the car and

the docks.

doesn’t tell Taya on the way what value she has to Erebus, because he doesn’t

a full account of what was going on in


out for a long time which members– of the S

Chapter 1736


fact that within S, a member named Mr.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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