Chapter 55
In the past, with Silas’s protection, no one dared to approach
But now that he was gone, it was my responsibility to protect myself.
At Harper’s words, my heart warmed, and tears welled up in
my eyes.
I was afraid Harper would be even more worried if she saw my tears, so I quickly replied with an “okay” and pushed her to continue the ceremony.
After exchanging rings and popping champagne at the reception, the mating ceremony was coming to an end. The rest of the mating ritual would be done tonight, under the full moon, with just Damian and Harper and their wolves.
I was relieved the day could end happily for Harper and Damjan, watching as they mingled with all their guests, smiles of mated bliss on their faces. Their faces had to hurt by now from smiling so big for so long.

Everything had gone off without a hitch-other than the
earlier mishap. The next thing I needed to do was to deal with
Chapter 55
I followed the car with Damian and Harper in it, sent them off
to their new house, and then took a taxi home.
As I opened my closet, rustling through the rack for a hanger,
a bank card fell out.
It was the card I’d given to Harper. She must have secretly put
it in here, da mn her.
I picked it up, shaking my head but still smiling a little.
Harper was such a kind and gracious person. She only knew how to give and never asked for anything in return. She didn’t
even want to take advantage of Damian.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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