Chapter 383 Respecting Mrs. Lockwood Is The Way

Draxton looked at Joshua with a soft light in his eyes.

“Get up” He stood up to pull Joshua up

Joshua got up and looked at Draxton with a smile. “Mr. Lockwood, I’m so happy.”

He had waited for this day for far too long.

Draxton knew that Joshua had always wanted to reunite with him. It was not easy for him to stay on Mystical Island alone all these years. He must have endured a lot of hardship to have come this far.

Therefore, it was only natural for him to want to go home.

Draxton did not say anything. He just patted Joshua on the shoulder gently.

However, Joshua’s eyes were slightly wet.

The hall was so quiet that one could hear everyone’s breathing. Ingrid and Ivory were dumbfounded as they looked at Draxton in fascination.

Draxton looked up at Thomas and Tyson.

Both of them looked confused.

They thought they must be hallucinating.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have seen such an unbelievable thing.

“Joshua is Draxton’s man?

“Are you kidding me?”

The district master of District 8 was useless and had no real power. To put it bluntly, Joshua was the boss of District 8.

Even old foxes like Thomas and Tyson, who had been around for a long time, were confounded. They could not wrap their minds around it for a moment.

Joshua certainly knew how shocked those people were Thus, he walked up to Thomas and Tyson and said, “Let me introduce myself again. I’m Theo Lockwood.”


had an epiphany. After realizing something, they both looked at Draxton with complete shock in their eyes.

clear now.

to Mystical Island by Draxton.

the underground chamber of commerce found Joshua,

So was Draxton.

who had established himself in the center of power on Mystical island. It was terrifying that he had plotted a

for Joshua, Draxton might have other tricks to take over Mystical Island. Tyson was calm, but Thomas started trembling in

Miller. This is so surprising. Thomas stammered.

smiled. “Sorry for surprising you two your

Thomas’s face twitched.

saying with

two of them. They could only die or join them after learning such

choice was either to surrender or to

course, they would not choose death.

nor because they had shared values and beliefs. They were just tied together by

and said to Draxton, “Mr. Lockwood, I,


Thomas was shocked.

up at Tyson and said, “Alright, Second Master, there’s no

smiled and looked

expression on his face.

to an outlander, but if he

a brittle laugh. He waved his hand and a guard took out two bottles of

holding the coffee cup froze and his mouth

really brought

Mrs. Lockwood said your

I especially took two bottles and deliver them to

please accept it.”

and Ivory didn’t know

and crumbled slowly as they stared blankly at the water in

said. “Mr. Riley, look, Mr. Lockwood distinguishes gratitude and grudges clearly. We will definitely repay our

could finish speaking, Thomas fell to his knees with a “thud”.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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