Chapter 283

“Allison, Ms. Sarah is looking for you.” Allison, holding a tray, stepped out of a private room upon hearing this from a waiter, nodding in response.

She handed the tray over to Ashley who was standing outside room 505, asking her to keep an eye on it. She then headed off to Sarah’s office.

“Sarah, what do you need me for? Allison asked.

Sarah, puffing on a cigarette, had her knees crossed on the table, “Allison, there’s a money–making proposition in front of you. Interested?”

Seeing Allisons serious expression, Sarah let out a soft laugh, “It’s all legit, what are you worrying about?”

Allison approached, “Sarah, just spit it out.”

“Gavin contacted me, he wants you to star in a film.” Sarah held out her hand. “15 days of shooting, he’s offering a grand a day. Seems like he’s in a hurry.”

a day?” Allisons eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the figure.

from Penelope’s

But the pay seems too high.” Allison asked.

at good money. Lasked him, it’s not for a stunt double. The original actress, Penelope, hurt her foot and can’t move. So he wants you to take over the second female lead role for 15 days.

fist slowly, lips sealed

can’t possibly want to be a

There’s nothing bad about working here”

took a puff, “I dont want to hold you

the first moment Sarah laid eyes on her, she

wearing the same uniform and her hair tied back like the other waitresses,

She was more beautiful than many heavily made up women without any makeup on. She shouldn’t be wasting her time

and the

her cigarette, Although Gavin is a new director now, he’s been in the industry for over a decade. He’s made his way through thick and thin, from shooting low budget web series to becoming a director of multi–billion–dollar TV shows. He’s got connections. This time, not only will he pay you, but he’ll also owe

She took a deep breath and bowed to Sarah, “Thank you,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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